I guess this is where outside deportation camp are useful : you can put a shot ton of pressure to citizens if you don’t like them
I guess this is where outside deportation camp are useful : you can put a shot ton of pressure to citizens if you don’t like them
I guess that one drop makes it all. The solution is probably you getting deported to Europe to discover socialised healthcare I guess
All those genetic test will become useful to be deported from the country. Strange win (still a loss because they sale genetic data to insurance companies)
Are they gonna deport usan based on genetics tests? Like if someone is 2% Irish, they will be reported to Ireland? Kinda Dictature like and anti free speech
Isn’t it the the specialty of Cambridge Analytica? Exploiting data to run campaign of influence? Their mere existence is an insult to democracy and this is not surprising in the end.
For now I have an androidTV but I guess that whent I have time, it will be HDMI only (androidTV is quite buggy on it) and after that, I will look for a dumbTV
Same as Chrome’s magic bar, or android keyboard no ? So in the end, does USA doing it good because “democracy” (never ever with napalm) when China is bad because human rights violation (USA never did anything like this) ?
Happend in France a months ago. When there were riots after a cop killed a boy in the poor suburbs, one of our dear ministers (/s) asked for exemplary sentences and some of them took months of prison for packs of rice or energy cans…
I really need to make my write-up about my nextcloud install. It feature :
All of it running in rootless podman pod with a dedicated user for the stack. It is all with podman units, and a systemd timer for nextcloud’s cronjobs.
1 means that there is trouble with usermapping. Instead of having my user properly mapped inside the container to run the apps, they use a dedicated one and I dont know hot to correct it and I have been a bit lazy to change it.
I totally disagree with the quote from hackernews. Having the option to use sqlite is nice to test it, but going with postgresql or mariadb allows you to have better performance if you use rdbms. Also, packaging with containers allows to have one standardized image for support if some third party packaging (from a distro repo) is bugging to test it further. To me, a good gui really depends on what service is provided. For kanidm (IAM), I don’t care this much of a web admin panel, the cli is really intuitive and if you need some graph views of your users, you can generate some diagram files. Considering OIDC/LDAP, I’d rather have OIDC implemented for two reasons : I can point my users to the (really minimalist) kanidm ui where they have a button for each app allowed. Also, the login informations are only stored in kanidm, no spreading of login password.
I saw a comment about not needing to rely on many third services but I partly disagree with it. Using nextcloud as a mixed example, using elastic search for full text search is better than reimplementing it, but the notify_push should not be as separated as it is (it is here because I understood, apache-php and websockets does not mix well).
All in all, the main criterias for me are :
So, for nextcloud and automatic torrenting it should not be too bad to protect windows users ?
Truth is : either they are a infrastructure provider and they allow everything inside the free speech of each country they operate in, either they choose what gets promoted or is allowed differently from the local free speech and they are an editor. They can’t (and imho should never have been allowed to) choose only the benefits of each one without any obligation.
I guess sending tar bombs can be fun