Yep after all that’s how musk did it by using trump as the symbolic figurehead
I can’t find a place to define filters, only blocks for users/communities/instances. Does it exist in the default browser client and I’m missing something?
Exactly. Every time I see someone post that “akshully, chronological order is also an algorithm” (which I see a lot), it makes me think of the old “what you are calling Linux is akshully GNU/Linux” thing. Please people, let that go.
Because you know perfectly well that when we talk about “algorithms” we’re specifically referring to corporate social media manipulative algorithms designed to increase engagement, NOT a simple sort of posts by date or number of upvotes. mkay?
I’ve been able to reproduce some, like the “how to carry <insert anything here> across a river” one where it always turns it into the fox, goose and grain puzzle.
But generally on anything that’s gone viral, by the time you try to reproduce it someone has already gone in and hard-coded a fix to prevent it from giving the same stupid answer going forward.
Are there Lemmy mobile apps? I don’t even know, I only access it via the browser. But if there are, maybe request that feature.
I don’t know if there is a way you’re supposed to be able to do it, but one thing you can do is right-click the image and pick Inspect from the context menu, which will open a panel with the HTML of the image highlighted, and part of that will be the alt text if there is any.
Also I have a Firefox extension that adds “Copy Alt text” to the context menu when you right-click an image. I’ve used that and pasted into a text editor, which usually works as well.
Both of those are inconvenient, but at least you can find it. But there should be a button on the image to view it easily like there is on Mastodon.
My car is a 2012, I’ll be holding onto it until it falls apart.
/me likes this thread.
Using it for plant identification is fine as long as it’s an AI designed/trained for plant ID (even then don’t use it to decide if you can eat it). Just don’t use an LLM for plant ID, or for anything else relating to actual reality. LLMs are only for generating plausible-sounding strings of text, not for facts or accurate info.
I just installed Librewolf today, using it now. Being a fork of FF it makes a very smooth transition.