You guys have your PCs’ backs to a wall? I’ve always put it away from the wall.
Some dirtbag that shouldn’t have bred.
You guys have your PCs’ backs to a wall? I’ve always put it away from the wall.
Good. I would think AI could handle scheduling & project management more efficiently & effectively than the greedy rats that CEOs tend to be.
Cats can be trained, they just aren’t as willing to do it as dogs.
Does Barbenheimer count?
Nah, bald eagles are thieves & bullies.
What about house flies? Can we kill those too?
I get the climate change vegans, but not the hurt animals vegans. We live on earth, and in case people haven’t noticed, we have to kill to survive. If you don’t eat meat, you’re still hurting plants to eat, and most of the time we’re eating the sexual organs or the offspring of plants.
Has the average intelligence increased? As in, someone who scored a 100 in 2024 would definitely be smarter than someone who scored a 100 in 1969.
But he still wanted her to win.