tha’s the mos’ evil rabbit ya ever saw
You called?
You forgot this one
how is it NOT 8? gotta support workers. and workers support workers. also a badger will fuck you up
You’re clearly morw of an 11.
Would be funny for a TTRPG oneshot, let the players roll a d12 at the beginning 😁
Everyone rolls 1s except for one person that rolls an 8.
It’s just like giong to work!
These are all playable in 5e-based Humblewood.
Uuuh this looks fun 🤘🏻
Right? I’m reading it right now. It’s so dang cute I can’t stand it.
- Gotta be Bodger the Blacksmith.
Not sure Bodger is that kind of guy😅.
Bodger is:
Blue collar. If he ever wore a collar.
Constantly fixing shit. Or scamming adventurers.
Bloomburrow in a nutshell
- Seems deep, is actually wide
Absolutely 7.5. Little column A, little column B. I’m thinking 8 causes 7 for me.
Badger badger badger badger
I am one with the forest.
Mushroom 🤝 Mushroom
Number 9.
7 and 9 are my spirit taxiderms.
… Actually, 4 through 9.