My old desktop, a Ryzen 3600/GTX-1080 mini-ITX build. After using a Pi 4 with Kodi for awhile it’s nice to have a media machine that can run Crysis.
Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
My old desktop, a Ryzen 3600/GTX-1080 mini-ITX build. After using a Pi 4 with Kodi for awhile it’s nice to have a media machine that can run Crysis.
Some of the original footage is on Youtube, and you can tell which of the takes of the ending princess hug scene made it into the game because of how she swings a foot back.
I mean all you’ve really done there is set up the trolley problem.
The countdown clock on the doomsday machine is ticking, you’ve got one hour until it burns the earth sterile, a pair of pliers, and the only person who knows the deactivation code strapped to a table. You’re gonna tell me you’re not pulling his toenails out because torture bad?
How about this one: You’re a doctor, you’ve got a syringe loaded with a dose of a vaccine that will grant immunity to a deadly viral disease, thing is it HURTS. It causes a burning sensation at the injection site, it’ll leave a scar like the smallpox vaccine did. Your patient is a 7 year old child. You stick that needle in her arm, and she’s gonna scream in pain, but she’ll be immune from sharkpox for the rest of her life.
V believes - at least somewhat correctly - that he’s breaking down Evey’s deep seated fears that allow the fascist government to keep her cowed. He pushes her to the point she truly believes she’s going to be killed, and that she holds some ideal more precious than her own life, that she’s willing to face death for, this will enable her to right a revolution against said fascist government. After which she thanks him. It’s as immoral as drafting soldiers for war; the question boils down to why are you in the fight at all?
Granted, though I woudl consider motives as well as deeds when attempting to label someone “good” or “bad.” Else you end up saying goofy shit like “The allies were just as bad as the Nazis in World War 2 because they used guns to kill people and killing people is wrong.”
First of all, I’m not sure that’s an accurate description of the text of the film. V did not torture Evey into servitude, he didn’t break her spirit, she did not become dependent on or obedient to him. Shortly after, she is free to leave his company, which she does, after thanking him.
Second of all, I’m not sure she would have thanked the Fingermen who were going to rape and murder her for being out after curfew at the beginning of the film.
From the Play Store, it’s available on F-Droid.
How is a man torturing one woman equal to or worse than a fascist regime guilty of ethnic cleansing?
I don’t think KeePassXC will do exactly what you want to do.
Like, you’d want one database to have an Unimportant Passwords group and an Important Passwords group, with the Important Passwords group having an additional password. It doesn’t seem to want to do that.
If I were you, I would leave KeePassXC locked until you need it for anything.
If you do decide to keep two KeePass database files, or hell even if you only keep one, I recommend using something like Syncthing to sync them across multiple devices.
To radicalize her, yeah.
There’s also the factor that the movie is very different from the original comic, and the folks who adopted the Guy Fawkes mask as a hacktivist icon mostly just saw the movie.
I see a lot of talk about the AIO: Try ditching it in favor of a decent air cooler and see if the problem goes away.
Ladies and gentlemen, the pharaoh suddenly died!
The quarter-dollar coin was minted for a very long time with an eagle on the back but I don’t think it has been since 1998 when they started the state quarters program. If I understand correctly the quarter-dollar is currently minted in 5 versions, each depicting a notable American woman on the reverse.
The half-dollar coin is still minted in the 1964 Kennedy/Great Seal design, so it’s got the eagle in full Freemason Illuminati regalia with the shield and the olive branch and the arrows and whatever. It’s weird that the front of the Great Seal is on the rear of the half-dollar.
The one-dollar coin is still currently minted with Sacagawea on the obverse and a realistic depiction of an eagle in flight on the reverse.
Completing the set:
The ten-cent coin is still Roosevelt plus the olive-torch-oak, no birds.
The five-cent coin has not too long ago updated the image of Jefferson on the front but still features Monticello on the rear.
The one cent coin needs to fucking stop. It’s often Abe Lincoln themed but they’re doing similar commemorative shit as with the quarter so there’s an untold number of things it can currently be. We also lose money every time they make a penny because there isn’t a metal worthless enough to make pennies out of.
No longer minted but historically the $10 coin was called an “Eagle” and the pocket watch sized gold $20 coin was called the “Double Eagle.” These are no longer minted and since we’re off the gold standard there’s a couple hundred bucks in gold in a Double Eagle.
But I wasn’t being technical; in casual discussions online about exchange rates of the various dollars minted around the world you’ll hear people use national symbols or stereotypes or whatever to add a little levity. “It cost more in kangaroo bucks compared to freedom eagle dollars.”
Canadian dollars are maple coins, Australian dollars are kangaroo coins, American dollars are eagle coins…
Also…Benjamin Franklin bitched about the choice of the bald eagle over the turkey?
You will hear Apollo astronauts occasionally say “all balls” or “five balls.” After performing maneuvers, they would check their trajectory by taking fixes on stars using the telescope/sextant, this data would be fed into the guidance computer, which would compute their deviation from their intended course. If they were perfectly on their intended course, it would display a variation of 00000. “All balls.” Perfectly accurate.
As do many airplanes, in fact Cessna-style plunger throttle controls are relatively unusual.
The knobs on airplane throttles or thrust levers are also seldom spherical; it has happened but most are cylindrical. There’s a whole section in FAR 23 that talks about how they have to be oriented in the cockpit, the shape and color of the knobs/handles etc. so pilots can tell them apart at a glance/by feel. For instance, when you first climb into a Cessna Skyhawk the position of the flap lever in front of the copilot’s left knee feels kind of strange, almost everything is conveniently placed for the pilot, but the flaps are way over there. law requires the flap control to be to the right of the cockpit centerline, the gear lever must be to the left, but a Skyhawk has fixed gear.
You often hear steam engineers say “put the throttle on the ceiling” meaning apply full power. Diesel engineers will refer to “notch 8” as the highest power setting.
That’s ridiculous. It’s not even funny.