Sounds like a hawk or eagle … which kind of makes sense since they are originally from the Central Asian mountains where a lot of these birds also live
If I heard that cat sound in the mountains, I would just think it was a bird instead of a cat
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Sounds like a hawk or eagle … which kind of makes sense since they are originally from the Central Asian mountains where a lot of these birds also live
If I heard that cat sound in the mountains, I would just think it was a bird instead of a cat
There should be a fourth panel where you’re holding onto gaming and start looking at depression … to complete the cycle
What the hell for? If you want to censor the ending of a film after allowing people to watch the whole thing … why not just censor the whole thing and not allow it anywhere. The fact that everyone watched it will now make everyone who saw it want to see the actual ending.
It’s like giving things to a teenager and then telling them they can’t have the last minute, the last inch, the last piece or the last word … you know full well they will do whatever it takes to get that last piece just to spite you.
Then when you respond hoping to rekindle some long lost teenage romance … they ask if you want to buy some bitcoin
And Cobain, can you hear the spheres singing songs off Station To Station?
And Alderaan’s not far away, it’s Californication
And God was the one who never suggested equality but subservience for women.
I think I’ll go with the prince of darkness … HAIL SATAN!!
Also depends if you meet just one Christian and have an honest respectful conversation.
Or a mob of Christians trying to out-Christian one another
Gotta get back in time
Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died?
As a kid, it normalized fear and anxiety … as an adult, it confirmed my fears and anxieties
Guide to using a roundabout
Me sitting at the back of the room against the wall 40 feet away from the monitor, surrounded by 30 teenagers all whispering in the dark: … I can’t hear the TV!
the champagne glasses would be a great addition to my eye wash station
On average, every 120 years, the entire human population is renewed
Everyone in the entire world alive today, on average wasn’t around 120 years ago
And in 120 years from now (on average and depending on how well we develop new medical technologies) everyone, including you and me, will all be gone and forgotten.
There’s a bucket on the floor
US and the west: … Spying is not acceptable! … except if our companies are doing it
Where’s his other hand?
Mute button … playing everything on mute until I’m ready to watch whatever it is I want to watch