Disney was a creative and innovative company up until the 90s maybe… In the last 2 decades almost everything they are known for was either made before or bought and destroyed
Disney was a creative and innovative company up until the 90s maybe… In the last 2 decades almost everything they are known for was either made before or bought and destroyed
This is the explanation as to why gravity is not a force
Doing what you suggested and using the “vape detectors” aren’t mutually exclusive.
Well, kind of since I suggested NOT using vape detectors
So you didn’t read my second paragraph?
Happy to read about it of you have any source to share
I know vaping is not without dangers but it is a step forward from smoking. I honestly never read anything about second hand vaping fumes
In any case, I am not in favour of vaping in schools. I just think schools should not spend money in these detector crap. They should address it with their best tool, education
From vaping? I think you have vaping and smoking confused
Considering they are only harming themselves, no I do not care much
As others mentioned, I think schools should dedicate resources to address this situation through education, instead of paying some start up for some surveillance gadgets
So you think we should all be allowed to smoke in non-smoking places?
No, but I see you need to make up a point I didn’t make so you could attack that.
Lazy strawman, you must be from reddit
How is this invading someone’s privacy?
So you think they will not use this to try to identify the vaping student?
Well, for almost a decade the GOP has had time to come up with their vision.
That’s only 6 days in Trump’s 2 weeks timeline
that they collect without your explicit consent
I despise this type of podcasts… just idiots (generally) rambling about themselves or shit they know nothing about.
Absolutely, but at least back then they truly added value by tweaking the stories (those original stories are mostly horror stories to our hears) and providing great animation. Nowadays, they buy great IPs and just ruin them; not only they are not adding any value, they are actively taking value away from them