i wish i could understand the appeal of listening to people sitting around flapping their faceholes about pointless shit
The trick is to avoid shows that don’t have a clear objective unless they are comedians who are actually funny most of the time. “Three friends just sitting around talking about life, the universe, and everything!” -like descriptions are a major red flag. Extra deductions if their logo shows a glass of whiskey or a beer.
That was my entire idea for a podcast. Thanks for shitting on my dream. I guess I’ll never start it now.
With that attitude, better become a Musician pronto
Funny you should say that. I’m already a terrible musician. I’ve got a solo gig and a band gig this weekend. I just wanted the podcast to complete my middle aged white dude punch card because my cargo shorts just got here the other day.
- if a random comment on the internet is enough to destroy
your dream
then it was a weak and shitty dream. Get a new one.
do it anyway. Who cares. You know what’s the worst that could happen? You try, and it doesn’t work out and then you can look back at it and consider it “gave it a good shot, didn’t work out”. And then you can point to all the people who still sit on their couch and didn’t even try.
You need to find better podcasts to listen.
I listen to My Brother, My Brother and Me because I like to listen to the three brothers be funny at each other.
Some people don’t need or want intellectually challenging media all the dang time.
Episodes 1-250 were great. They’re insufferably flanderized now.
I tried to listen to a Kubernetes podcast once, where they talk to engineers who created it. They just fucking ramble about sports and unrelated bullshit for about an hour and I never listened to another episode.
I despise this type of podcasts… just idiots (generally) rambling about themselves or shit they know nothing about.
oh shit
i hate that bro