It’s for E2E encryption in chat apps.
It’s for E2E encryption in chat apps.
Let me try: Lmao. Uses a computer, still does stuff the slower way because learning new things is too difficult.
To be serious, I am looking for the best solutions for my use cases, not adequate ones. Yes dd works perfectly fine and as you noted doesn’t take long to use anyway. But just because it’s fine doesn’t mean other approaches aren’t better.
A GUI tool can offer or take a list of download URLs for common distros so downloading isn’t a separate step, it can check if the target device is a flash drive and not a hard drive by mistake, it can automatically choose the optimal block size for the device, it can verify the process by reading it back from the device, can show you the current filesystem, label, and usage of the target device to confirm, it can handle flashing to multiple devices at the same time with separate and total progress bars.
If I wanted to do all that on the command line it’d be quite a lot of commands or a sizeable script to write. Or I can use a simple dd command and lose out on all of the above. Either way it’s a worse option. I will only use dd when a GUI tool isn’t installed, or when I’m on a system without a DE.
It’s faster to drag and drop a downloaded ISO and choose the target from a dropdown, than do it on a command line. And get a progress bar. As much as command line is usually faster, it isn’t in this case.
Yes you can also get a progress bar on the command line but it’s more typing again, and realistically you need to look the option up every time if you use dd once every 3 months.
Oh? And you’re the authority on that?
Well yes, I am the authority on my opinions, just like anyone else is on theirs.
I do agree though that its not necessarily the same league as the others.
That’s what I mean, I don’t think it belongs next to Matrix or 12 Monkeys. It’s a run of the mill Tom Cruise action film. Very enjoyable, but it doesn’t break any new ground, in my opinion.
Oblivion? It was all right, and I recommend it, but I wouldn’t call it a mandatory watch, it didn’t have any special message
That’s the point. There is nothing strange or shady about the fact that things you type into are sent to Obviously keystrokes you submit to a website are submitted to the website.
I agree, but that has nothing to do with the release cadence.
All in all, the film makers had many things they could choose to make the effect look plausible, but they didn’t.
You could make an argument that there was some kind of huge spinning gyroscope reaction wheel system on that axis which projected the explosion that way.
But we all know there wasn’t.
@RemindMe 15 years, tell this guy he’s wrong
It was fine in Mr Robot.
So you are advocating for slowing down the work on Android, or for keeping the pace the same but witholding the updates for longer before a release? Or something else?
Since it’s end to end encrypted, Ente just sees some raw bytes, it has no way to tell if what you uploaded is an image or not. So in practice it supports whatever the client can display, so your browser for the web version.
SteamVR is unstable on Linux even before you get to trying to launch a game. It’s glitchy and frame rates are worse than on Windows even when you get it working, even for Linux native games.
And I’m using the Valve Index which is the best case scenario headset anyway.
Needed for VR games unfortunately
Real or not that is definitely not a run of the mill plain plane accident.
I’m not saying what’s “the correct play” or not, I’m refuting the claim all Chromium-based browsers are immediately affected, because I know of at least one that will keep V2 support.
But I will keep using Vivaldi. It will take me the same time to migrate to Firefox regardless if I do it today or a year from now when Vivaldi drops V2 support. I have nothing to gain by migrating sooner, but potentially much to gain by waiting.
Vivaldi said they will keep V2 support. Not forever, but as long as they are able.
Nothing about the app is secret, Google openly advertises it