All you have to do is set the DNS records and stuff. It’s not self hosting, you point it to their instance of webmail. It’s an extra service that you get with the hosting service.
Does gsuite or Proton not require you to set DNS records?
All you have to do is set the DNS records and stuff. It’s not self hosting, you point it to their instance of webmail. It’s an extra service that you get with the hosting service.
Does gsuite or Proton not require you to set DNS records?
PSA: Web hosting with email can be cheaper for many inboxes than an email service is for just one email. You don’t even have to use the web hosting part of it.
Proton wanted 6 or 7 euros per inbox. Hetzner web host with 100 inboxes was under 2 euros. I don’t even use the hosting part of it.
I… Do not remember a token Italian. Token Asian definitely. Skin color is hard to see from written words and I don’t remember if anyone was explicitly described as black in the books but there was a token black person in the movies at least. Mostly it was just a bunch of English kids.
Business to business. Instead of having fixed hours and an employment contract, I bill out the hours as a business and then pay my own salary. Comes with tax benefits if you’re savvy and flexibility that can bite you in the ass or be great.
That’s completely understandable, but I work from home. I don’t get “alone time” at the office, nor do I get to escape from work at home. I started doing b2b work but the problem is that once you get paid for every single hour you work, it gets harder to say no to extra work.
It’s all for them though. There’s still over a decade till the oldest is old enough to move out and by then I’d like to own at least one home per child so they don’t have to feel like slaves like I did in my first crappy job living in my first rental apartment. Of course I’ll have to figure out how to raise them in such a manner that they won’t take everything for granted. I know I would’ve squandered any windfall when I was 20.
You could probably find that with 1000 seeds too lol
Supposedly it’s more interesting than Maldives, but Maldives are a better place to relax. I haven’t been to either archipelago, but for a while, I’ve wanted to. Without any computers or kids. Just escape for a week in beautiful weather, let other people worry about everything.
Epic’s EMR is so widespread in the US that I’m not even American and I know it.
Oh I’d just throw in a bunch of big freeleech torrents and it’d take me 3 minutes to achieve saturation. The upkeep might be difficult though
What do you mean?
Couldn’t you saturate it instantly? It’s saturated exactly while you’re using that speed and when you stop, it’s not saturated anymore
Phoebe, you ARE unappreciated in your time!
It’s a Jeep so you’re really gonna need that warranty too, lmao
Had a chat with a fella on that other site a while ago who said he wanted to buy another Grand Cherokee after being from a Jeep family and previously owning Jeeps… And ended up getting a lightly used BMW X5 for less money, more power and a better interior. It’s probably going to last him longer too. And that was one of them fancy uber complex V8 X5’s that Americans prefer. If you get one with the inline 6 (particularly the diesel 6 that isn’t available in the US lol), the engine is also rock solid.
But is it GTA’s fault?
I actually order way too much, but it costs like 2 euros to get it delivered with a 5€/month subscription. My time is worth roughly an euro per minute. Anything farther than a 5 minute walk is a net loss to pick up on foot. There’s nothing closer than a 30 minute walk there and back. Car also takes fuel to get started
If delivery starts costing me 10 or 20 euros, I’ll start walking or driving to pick up my food.
I mean generally toxic masculinity comes with a healthy dose of homophobia on the side too
Yeah, pretty much don’t stand a chance unless you’re a featherless biped with two boobs.
Could be either way, honestly. He’s a fundie who bragged about remaining a virgin until marriage. He finally got hitched to a former Miss Universe of all people, at age 32 or something.
Here in Estonia we have a meat comp named after them. Wonder what they make their sausage out of…
Well it IS pretty nice to be able to tell people to go to jellyfin.example.com instead of example.com:8096, but you also get security benefits for using a properly set up reverse proxy. You don’t need to keep your ports open to the whole internet, only the reverse proxy accesses them. As far as the rest of the internet is concerned, you have :443 open.
Edit: Forgot to add, Caddy and NPM and such can also automatically renew your certificates!
If you own your domain, I don’t see why not.