Tailscale or Cloudflare will solve your problems.
Tailscale or Cloudflare will solve your problems.
Yeah I know this intimately. Ask me how much a turbo costs for a Kia Sorento? On second thought … don’t. It’ll make my cry.
I like homarr.
Everything Olympic related is air guns as far as I know. But I’ve even seen 50cal air rifles. Again these are going to be much much slower.
Let me preface this with I’m very liberal so I’m not attacking anyone but I’m also a physics nerd so…
Anyway, is a .22LR a small caliber? Because the difference between a .22LR (5.66mm) and the typical shell in an AR15 (5.7mm) is only 0.04mm, about the size a small human hair. A better distinction is muzzle energy which is a function of mass of the projectile and velocity of the projectile. I mean a typical paintball is bigger the a 50BMG. It just doesn’t weigh very much or go very fast. So caliber is a terrible measure for your purposes.
Just remember if the data is important, raid is not backup. Have the media in another place. I have like 40-50 1tb drives I’ve copied stuff too in case everything goes belly up. Restoring won’t be fun but it will be possible.
If it were me personally, I’d get two more 16 tb drives and Raid 6 the whole thing. But that’s only because you’ve got the NAS already. If I just had the drives I’d set up a JBOD and either use TrieNAS, Unraid, or maybe OpenMediaVault.
I’m still chuckling over this.
Ok this is super interesting. I’ll have to read more about this. Thanks.
My shrink mentioned this to me and I had to go look it up. It’s very interesting indeed.
It’s quite cool and works like a charm.
My only beef (and it’s a small thing) with the thing is the virtual media. It has the ability to create a virtual CD from an ISO on its local storage. It works great but because the network interface is only 100mbit it does take FOREVER to load something like a 4gb Debian iso into its local storage. So it’s better to do a smaller boot iso and do a network install if you want to use it that way. I’m using NetBoot.xyz. But like I said other than that it’s great. The build quality is astounding. It’s a lot heavier than you think it’s gonna be, which is a very good thing.
We have some machines at work that either aren’t enterprise level machines ( eg. we have a rack mounted Mac Studio) or weren’t ordered with iDRACs (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller). That’s Dell’s version of basically what this thing does. When they start selling this in bulk, like not a kickstarter, we’re going to buy like 5 or so and 3D print a rack mount from Jeff Geerling. Maybe even put a RPi in there to act like a serial terminal server for some of our lab equipment.
These guys seriously delivered on this piece of tech and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Gen-X gamer here. I remember calling phone numbers for hints
That sounds like a segment on “My 600lb Life”
If I’m typing into the app, is that really collecting keystrokes?
I’ve got things blocked on Lemmy (primarily anything with Trump, Elon, Musk, or RFK in the title) but stuff still gets through occasionally. And just the stuff that gets through the cracks is depressing. I’m not gonna last four years.
Oh I know this in my head. It’s the negative connotation that’s in my heart that’s the problem.
Yes. I like this way better than “tech conservative “
Well except for the Arch part. I’m not a masochist.
I’m not sure I like being labeled “conservative”…
And more chances of failure. The benefit is less time to repair a RAID set