Your method sounds great and I’m sure it works well, but I just want to make sure you know that modern dish soap won’t damage your seasoning at all.
Your method sounds great and I’m sure it works well, but I just want to make sure you know that modern dish soap won’t damage your seasoning at all.
When it’s Frosted Mini Wheats.
You’re referencing one specific tweet of a guy talking about his dad, and the fact that I know that makes me want to scream.
I sincerely doubt that a covert arm of the Chinese propaganda machine would label themselves as Marxist-Leninist.
It’s not “simping” to point out widely spread misinformation.
Antiperspirant doesn’t agree with my skin, so I use a normal deodorant, but otherwise I fully agree.
Oh, huh. I didn’t realize .world did that on anything.
Evidently your current instance censors that last word too.
You might be thinking of Jimmy John’s.
Hand wired 4 life! That way, if a key doesn’t work, you can just add more solder until it does.
You cannot be a serious leftist and pretend to be offended by a little “anti-white” rhetoric.