CryptPad. It doesn’t needs email to sign up.
[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
CryptPad. It doesn’t needs email to sign up.
I need COPPER Ea-Nãşir
Unrelated but yesterday I saw a post where the person was mocking those concerned by the chinese getting their data, saying things like “why would they care” and some people sarcastically saying they wouldn’t understand the data because “it was in another language”. Were those people right or not?
Finally a post featuring Sonic the Hedgehog.
real talk. It seems like nobody that likes videogames (like I do) uses Lemmy. I have yet to see another post featuring another game character.
(some oss projects outright decline help from actual designers by the way)
No, it just shows a lack of understanding and is very unwelcoming.
You should be like me. I’ve just disabled the “vote” counter, and it feels amazing! Screw those people, they’re probably neckbeards or something, anyway.
You deserve an award for telling the truth
Surprise! Not everyone has watched Sesame Street! Either because it wasn’t their thing or it wasn’t in their region! So please just stop assuming.
I recommend you to censor your name
It’s mire simple because they have actual designers that design the app to users to use, so it’s not that much difficult to navigate, with all the icons and familiar patterns.
Your comment is another proof that Lemmy/Fediverse is lacking young people
Culturally and racially superior?
Fediverse fanboys when they realise that their obscure and socially complex software isn’t know by many people specially outside of the tech bubble, and that it’s not the same experiences that they will get with known platforms: