Monitor me and go fuck yourselves. The American health insurance system is evil. Their servants are enablers of evil.
Monitor me and go fuck yourselves. The American health insurance system is evil. Their servants are enablers of evil.
Little Bobby Tables is all grown up.
Skin protection. Check out the Hong Kong protestors’ methods. They optimized against crowd control. You can neutralize teargas with heavy gloves and a sealable container with water in it IIRC.
Wear Lycra under it and keep a gas mask handy for the crowd control attacks.
I think any real user from Reddit that isn’t a bot is an asset these days. I hate Reddit as much as the next person, but giving people shit for coming from there to here feels hypocritical.
You pirate content to save money and protest the excesses of capitalism.
I pirate content because I enjoy singing sea shanties with the mates while seeding torrents.
We are not the same.
Remember kids, with a little hard work and a lot of luck gambling, you too can be a successful capitalist.
It is the Year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and people are still using Elon’s dumpster fire of a pro-Nazi website. Why?
Smedley Butler was a hero on so many levels, a modern day Cincinnatus. He proved himself in battle again and again, and the rich and powerful offered him a throne. He turned it down, because he was a decent man. A man of conscience.