You mean we were one roulette spin away from having the absolute worst shipping company of all time from not existing? The universe fucked us man. Fuck Fed Ex. They are the one company that actively hates your shit. I think they try to break stuff on purpose.
Someone has never had to deal with DHL.
You’d think the Germans would be fantastic at logistics, but in this case, you’d be very wrong.
DHL is not the worst oen operating in germany. its not even close
hermes sets a low bar
Where I live DHL is quite good, possibly even the best consumer facing logistic company
Remember kids, with a little hard work and a lot of luck gambling, you too can be a successful capitalist.
Just don’t gamble with your own money. Be sure to take the company’s last $5000 instead.
Before this, he won $4,000,000 by inheriting it and was able to convince a bunch of his rich friends and fellow Yale alums to bet $91,000,000 on FedEx.
Lucky guy winning that $27 grand…
Jesus christ. Way to spoil the mood! /s
It’s actually very good to always attach these „privileged
successstories“ to these people to demystify them.Wow, that sounds so easy. I guess anyone can be successful!