I doubt they would be allowed to hand out keys (which they do not hold) to another government that would compromise American businesses, agencies, etc.
Um, yes they would. The very point of eyes agreements is they allow countries intelligence agencies which aren’t allowed to spy on their own people to spy on each other’s people then pass each other the data. Snowden revealed this all a decade ago.
The CIA and FBI do not store classified sensitive info on iPhones that are backed up anywhere. At least not anything that would come as a surprise to the British or be a risk. Nothing they wouldn’t have access to via the existing intelligence sharing.
The UK and the US are thick as thieves and have been since the end of WW2.
You do know his wife is a Republican right? A proud Bush/Obama era Republican? They literally met at the GOP convention in 2008.
What is with liberals and playing fantasy games with politics? On the one hand liberals will say elections are important and have consequences and on the other they’ll treat it like a game of putting in your celebrity faves without bothering to care about their actual views.
Who knows what Jon himself actually thinks given he married a proud Republican and the fact he’s a TV comedian playing a character. For all you know deep down he could personally be a never-Trump Republican himself.