I’ve named my last few computers after planets, with disks named after moons.
When I worked at Microsoft they had all kinds of clusters - OurGang with Spanky, Darla, Alfalfa… Addams with Gomez etc, Disney with Mickey, etc.
I’ve named my last few computers after planets, with disks named after moons.
When I worked at Microsoft they had all kinds of clusters - OurGang with Spanky, Darla, Alfalfa… Addams with Gomez etc, Disney with Mickey, etc.
Limited edition cheese - grated, plated and curated!
Just 2 more payments, gentlemen, and this beautiful 12-slot luxury egg carton is all mine!
Scientists Embrace New Cosmic Weenie Model
I installed Mint last week and haven’t addressed media players yet… strokes chin. Thanks for the info!
Company: Yes we’re charging you more… but on the other hand we’re giving you less, so it all evens out. Besides, changing hosts is a pain.
Customers: Changing hosts is such a pain.
You wouldn’t download a C drive.
I seriously DGAF who knows which Mint edition I installed or the brand of flash drive I used.
I used it less than a week ago for a Mint install, worked fine.
I think you pretty much just now wrote a landing page, you just need to turn those into links and host that page somewhere.
Sure, you could create a database or JSON file with attributes of each thing and use React or Node.js to generate the UI, but that doesn’t seem necessary for a need on this scale - when things change just edit the landing page. I’ve been keeping links to my soft copies of D&D books and stuff with a simple HTML page for years, and I’m a web dev. No need to do work the requirements don’t demand.
Remember to hate somebody today, like always!
What I’m talking about is the popular stand that offenses against public opinion are unforgivable and unredeemable. Nobody should buy from company X, nobody should listen to musician Y, nobody see any more movies with actor Z in them, etc.
I personally agree Jeeps suck, but that’s dodging my question.
Yeah that’s my reaction. Also public transportation changed my life for the year and a half I used it, by eating up zn extra hour a day of my life. My 15-minute each way car commute became 50 each way, very consistently. I finally got fed up with it and went back to driving.
This zero-tolerance permanent unforgivability mentality is super common now. Why would you not consider buying a Jeep in say 20 years, when every person responsible for making or implementing some heinous decision that outrages you right now probably won’t even work there anymore?
Brawndo? You mean like from the toilet?
Gulf of America*
*or Gulf of Mexico, for only $1.99/mo.
Somewhat, but I’m thinking of the future of federation as a torrenty mesh of peers with no actual hosting “service” that can be turned off. That’s how I picture the Cortex in the Firefly universe. When Simon as a boy is excited about getting a “source box” I imagine it’s a participant as opposed to just an endpoint.
Federated as opposed to using a Wordpress hosting service etc that can be turned off by someone’s business decision.
When I run out of the solar system I’m going to move on to Star Wars.