The milkman always comes twice.
The milkman always comes twice.
We built this city.
We built this city on rock and roll.
Perhaps, but the left hand drive makes it fairly unsafe for left lane use.
Edit: <->
The most Reddit thing is complaining about reposts.
“Look at this shiny.”
Investment goes up.
“Same shiny, but look at it and we need to warn you that we’re developing a shinier one that could harm everyone. But think of how shiny.”
Investment goes up.
“Look at this shiny.”
Investment goes up.
“Same shiny, but look at it and we need to warn you that we’re developing a shinier one that could harm everyone. But think of how shiny.”
DeepSeek’s privacy policy raises concerns about a U.S. foreign adversary’s ability to access U.S. user data. Users are familiar with the massive amounts of data U.S. tech companies collect, but China’s cybersecurity laws make it much easier for the government to demand data from its tech companies. Additionally, DeepSeek users have reported instances of censorship, when it comes to criticizing the Chinese government or asking about Tiananmen Square.
Users have been shown that both governments are untrustworthy so what the fuck are we supposed to do?
Am I supposed to not read this article as panic? I know this is Mashable but the media overall is no longer unbiased and now there’s gonna be more gremlins to watch for in pro-US corpo AI propaganda and media ownership having stakes in AI.
My horrible take only based on a few snippets:
Chinese open source AI releases, wipes the floor with US AI. Exposes AI as massively overvalued. Not surprising considering how big tech is just taking everything. Nvidia loses like half a trillion in value.
I’m happy to see a home run against the fascists that hurt them more than violence, at least to start. And I’m not a fan of AI (as hyped), but if it’s going to happen I’d rather it be with an open source performer as a base than the venture capitalists that abandoned us.
And really the US is no more trustworthy than China for those of us under the shadow of the big dick energy stuporpowers.
Nice Dear Loss-Leader y’all gots.
If you do it in French you get like Euro industrial throat singing Ylvis.
We (debatably I’m sure) claim invention of free healthcare.
Edit: we really didn’t invent it. But it’s one of those things they taught us anyway.
Americans are out there blaming the fires on DEI to act stupid but really to foster hate.
I am a meme cop.
There is no misdememer here.
A little precipitatux is ok, but when the sysadmins clump and precipitate one should prepare for events.
Of course Blue Skies are Desirable.
That’s why I was one of the few to downvote.
This guy is no Luigi Sr.
Starting my monthly LSD trip out right I see.
Hey human, you know that grass I eat?
Yeah, now you get it.
Needed to run the OS from one.