Oh hey Twitter
Oh hey Twitter
“Calm down Mom and Dad, it’s just a drawing.”
He’s an illegal immigrant who literally wasn’t elected or approved by congress
Re-Legalize Right To Repair and pirates will take care of the rest
Wasn’t Indy knowingly bluffing in this scene?
Given the latest events at the DNC
What did the DNC do?
The movement may have started as equality, but it has clearly been either co-opted by bad faith agents, misandrists, and career sociopaths.
2025… IT doesn’t feel real as the current year, I legitimately odn’t understand how I’m still alive. I feel like an aged immortal being that was there at the dawn of man and has watched him fail to approach anything resembling a true Gilded Age, and now I crave death to see a world beyond the material, to be free from my captors, and ascend to greater things.
I’m 33
We need to tell men that it’s okay for boys to cry, and that if someone hurts them we promise not to laugh at them, and we need to fucking mean it.
This is why I believe the virtue we need more than any other is forgiveness.
To be honest, I’d be all for legislation that makes a criminal record less damning.
Think about it. If you tell someone “We’re not going to hire you, we’re not going to help you in anyway, and we’re not even going to recognize your basic humanity you’re a criminal and that’s all you’ll ever be!”
Will they aspire to better themselves, change how people see them, pick themselves up by their bootstraps, and try to find a foot in the door?
Or are they going to say “Well, if I’m a criminal, that’s all I’ll ever be and I have bills to pay, I guess I better rob a convenience store so I don’t starve to death.”
The former makes for a feel good story, but the latter’s going to be more realistic.
If you tell someone they’re worthless because of X, then they will live up to the label. You need to BELIEVE in someone and give them a real chance to change their ways, we cannot be defined solely by our mistakes or we will always be the worst versions of ourselves.
And in the case of what’s happening with men, they’re not even being judged by their mistakes. They’re not even being allowed to make mistakes, for too many have already declared them guilty by association with the penis.
They say that men are afraid women will laugh at them, but the truth is, men are afraid that women will have them arrested for the crime of maleness.
This is why I will never call myself a Feminist, I prefer the term Egalitarian. For I will not stoop to misandry (As Modern Feminism has often been accused of, as boys are constantly left behind while their female peers are given a leg up), nor racism (Anyone else familiar with the term “White Feminism”?)
This. I’m trans and I’ve existed in public as both a man and a woman.
Nothing is more soul-crushing than being called The Devil simply for being of a sex that isn’t even one you want to be!
One of the few Right Wing talking points that I sort of agree with is the idea that men are demonized just for existing, because they REALLY are. I’m not surprised men are responding with hostility to being told their very masculinity is toxic.
Don’t get me wrong, Dudebros are still fucking awful, but… “I get it” if that makes sense.
Doesn’t mean I recommend anyone takes Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson’s advice and no incels are not based, but… damn ya know.
So I won’t use this for the same reason I don’t use any AI? Cool
This exactly this, so many people think we’re literally holding these corporations at gunpoints and forcing them to make everything gay, when we really aren’t… So they get mad at us.
This is sadly not news, the feud between the LGBT and Chic-Fil-A is pretty long
It goes like this
Chic-Fil-A: Our money goes to Christian charities
LGBT: Well that’s fine, you are the Jesus Chicken place, pass me some waffle fries my man
Chic-Fil-A: Sure, that’ll be a dollar, a dollar that prevents gays from getting married
LGBT: Wait, I thought you said charities
Chic-Fil-A: We lied
Chic-Fil-A: Okay Gay Marriage is legal and Caitlyn Jenner + Lavrene Cox seem to be getting the ball rolling on trans rights. I guess we have no choice but to abandon “Traditional Marriage” and other such causes and just stick to charity work…
Caitlyn Jenner: I’m the worst human being alive, I hate all other transpeople, the only moral transition is my transition, and I am literally guilty of vehicular homicide but am too rich to be charged with it!
Chic-Fil-A: Okay just Lavrene Cox then… So you hungry my rainbow friend?
LGBT: Oh thank God, I can finally have a decent chicken sandwich, God what is your secret?
Chic-Fil-A: Why the lies we tell about what we fund go into every mouth-watering bite of our Homophobic Chicken!
LGBT: What?
Chic-Fil-A: Shit, did I say that out loud? Fuck, okay you got us, we’re still funding Anti-LGBT causes we’re just trying to be quieter about it, also we don’t think abortion should be legal and are lobbying to have that banned to.
Left-Leaning Americans: And we’ll help!
Fox News: Chic-Fil-A, which is not homophobic at all, is being protested because Democrats are mad that a store is closed on Sundays because they hate the bible! No really, this is a spin we actually went with to demonize our political enemies!
Right-Leaning Americans: I believe that whole-heartedly because I have no ability to question any information that sounds like it’s even remotely true unless it comes from a Democrat. I always knew that gays hated Jesus and will now give all my money to Chic-Fil-A.
Chic-Fil-A: So uhh now that we’re all being mask off, can I interest in you a lemonade, you must be very thirsty after playing in girl’s sports you filthy degenerate.
LGBT: Oh fuck off, you know damn well we don’t and that you don’t care about women’s sports anyway, how are you still in business?
Chic-Fil-A: Actually we’re making record profits because of those guys
LGBT: What guys?
Left-Leaning Americans: We know it’s homophobic, but we’re addicted to fast food and it tastes just so fucking good. Your suffering is no reason for me to be slightly inconveinced, even though everyone from McDonalds to KFC has a chicken sandwich just like theirs…
LGBT: Okay yeah that sadly tracks…
And that’s basically the whole story
Sonic Boom predicted it with Meh Burger
As long as Chic Fil A is at the throats of LGBT people, no the fuck it aint.
What if we’re constantly reincarnating between the two?
Okay… That’s only the entire country
Dragon Farce Food Fighters …
ehh I’m bad at this