You’ll fit right in.
What do you like to listen to and what do you like to listen on?
You’ll fit right in.
What do you like to listen to and what do you like to listen on?
You’re posting in the internet right now. I suggested that you tell people you are trying to get away from computers
For the purposes of the average person the tech guy in your op is absolutely 100% correct.
All the platforms listed use transport encryption and that’s enough to avoid mitm surveillance which is enough for most people.
Most people’s “threat model” is the police or a pi. All the apps listed including signal have to comply with orders from American police and have “sidechain attacks” that involve stuff like getting some member of the groupchat’s device and scrolling up or tricking someone into giving up sensitive information.
Privacy from whom?
I ask because the easiest way to do what you’re asking is to have your local record store sell you shit and pay in cash (that you’ve laundered so the serial numbers don’t match the atm). You can even be like “I’m trying to get away from computers man, can you order me this off eBay?” And guaranteed if you spent a hundred bucks or so on used releases they’ll say “absolutely!”
Of course, you’ll stick out like a sore thumb and have a lie to keep up with, so you’ll not have any real measure of anonymity.
There’s a lot of arguments for one solution or the other based on security or privacy, but let me present a different scenario:
Imagine you’re in a natural disaster. Your home based self hosted server is down because of a general rolling network outage or just irrecoverably destroyed. Your offsite on the other side of the county is in a similar state. Can your cloud hosted backup be accessed at generic, public computer in a shelter or public building?
Bitwarden can. It has specific instructions for doing so as safely as possible.
If the op has their information in emails and doesn’t want to move it somewhere else then pgp is a good way to at least secure those emails a little.
I don’t think it’s a panacea, but as methods of encrypting email go it’s widely supported enough that a person whose private information is stored in email will be able to figure something out.
SMTP is only encrypted if the second server responds correctly to the first servers starttls.
The striptls type of attack, which prevents the servers from getting a valid starttls exchange, was in use over a decade ago by some telcom against its own customers.
Even if you know the person you’re emailing has a correctly configured client you can’t control a man in the middle attack between servers which has been in widespread use for years.
Mullvad us Denver 205.
I’m also using their encrypted dns though that shouldn’t matter. Recording an email might be a regulatory requirement of the intelligence sharing treaties of the eu and broader eurozone.
Try an endpoint outside of the western world and see what happens!
I think I got in before they started doing that.
Actually I don’t think they require that. I just set up a new proton account on a device with a fresh wipe from a vpn endpoint I never used before and they offered to record a phone number or recovery email but didn’t require it.
Of course, I only meant that unlike Gmail and such services like proton don’t actively impede your anonymity and build a profile on you as far as we know.
Here’s hoping Apple sticks to their guns and pulls adp instead of caving.
In case you didn’t see it a few weeks ago, 3.3 million servers are doing unencrypted transport.
The way email delivery is handled also means you’re not safe just because you aren’t talking to those servers.
Anonymity and not being google or one of the other big mail providers.
Email is not an easily selfhostable service either. Modern spam filtering systems require the maintainer to jump through a bunch of hoops intended to defeat their anonymity and establish a recourse in case of problems.
Set an iCloud recovery passcode. It removes the ability to recover your iCloud account by verifying that you’re the owner but it also removes the ability of Apple to be compelled to access it.
Op: read about pgp/gpg. Do it now. When you don’t understand something ask questions about it instead of giving up.
Email was never intended to be private. It was never designed with privacy in mind and your use of a client employing an encrypted connection to your mail server does not solve the problem because tens of thousands of mail servers use unencrypted connections.
No one needs your iCloud to read your email, they can just look at the plaintext mail coming to and from the server.
Go get involved and you’ll see pretty quick how people generally handle organizing. They’ll be some kind of low stakes event like a reading or art gallery or concert or something and people will say “come out to this protest tomorrow”.
If there’s a signal or something it’s not usually a necessary link.
All that is to say: don’t use computers to organize. If you want to use social media to raise awareness of an event that’s a different thing altogether.
It’s not p2p but at least many years ago:
If the Internet outage is local then the towers would still work and you’d be able to get texts. I went through a few storms where wired home internet was down, the towers weren’t giving me a data connection (no mobile web browsing or anything), but I was able to send and receive texts.
If you really care about what you’re asking after, do what someone else said and get a radio license. It’s 150 year old technology and every time something happens radio operators pop up some kind of emergency communications or bridge to the internet through repeaters or something.
They make little ones for stuff like motorcycles and tractors. Just make sure it’s 12v, because atv batteries are 6v I think.
It’s just as well, rcs in America only has guarantees of features if you’re on the same servers as the other people, so there’s a big split between the Samsung and google rcses with all kinds of weird mixed media stuff if you’re both on gchat or the Samsung fork and nothing but maybe higher resolution pictures if you’re not.
It’s part of why I’m so willing to recommend imessage because for better or worse in America it’s the defacto standard.
Yeah and even if you’re on an ios with rcs plenty of old android devices just scale the videos down to postage stamp size anyway by default so you get bad looking pictures no matter what.
If you’re mechanically inclined and can work with small parts, the old Sony branded walkmans are generally good quality and have a decent supply of replacement parts. Some of the new portables have awful wow and flutter that will make it seem like that two step is a polyrhythm!
I listen on my phone in the world, cd and tape when I’m driving and on whatever at home. Today it was goat and escape-ism.