Not gonna happen. Someone in China gave to Trump’s inauguration fund, so nothing’s getting banned.
Not gonna happen. Someone in China gave to Trump’s inauguration fund, so nothing’s getting banned.
I never even heard of that show until now.
When was the last time Hollywood used that trope?
That’s aside from the point I was making. Some people might be thinking that Proton is cozying up to Trump to avoid getting unfavorable treatment from his admin and they don’t really like him, but they’re out of Trump’s reach, so that can’t be the motivator.
No matter what angle, Andy Yen is just dumb.
Regrading Update 2, maybe the other board members can push his guy out? I’m paid for to the end of the year, so I’ll wait it out a bit. I’d rather not jump ship, only to have that ship also go pro fascist too.
Trump has never been honest about any of his intentions through his whole life. Proton isn’t even based in the US, so how would the US even subpoena them in the first place. The CEO’s statements make no sense.
please drink verification McDonalds soda
That’s what the article says and nothing about the title conflicts with it. These are all pretty basic concepts that should be taught early.
With how geriatric the Japanese government is, I like those odds.
I need to speak to an actual college rep on that one. When I completed a shitty high school class, there was no option to redo it.
You’re doing a lot of comparisons to other people in your classes.
The CC teacher was the one judging the other students. She was outside the class and didn’t realize I was already there when I over heard her shit talking her students. The other teacher she was talking to didn’t feel the need to correct her. It was disgusting to hear. The only one here I’m judging here is her.
Technically, the school is only required to provide a free education to people under the age of 18 and who didn’t already have a diploma, but are free to make their own judgements on adults without a diploma. In fact, many states view GEDs as a legally distinct document and do not preclude students from having one.
Regardless of whether or not the school can enroll adults or not, doesn’t effect what classes they can take. If I had completed remedial Geometry for instance, I wouldn’t be allowed to take it at a more advanced level the next year even if I had available time to do it.
I was actually in school at 19, but that didn’t help be get into the better classes when they can just lie and say the class is full. Curious that I was the only one that they ever told the room was full for. Also curious that when I tried to bypass their permission by testing into Honors, they could only tell me that I didn’t pass and not actually show me the test results.
Then you need to catch up…
Then we are in agreement that remedial classes are a joke. I just don’t want that “catching up” to replace freshman at a 4year.
Every place I looked had a freshman requirement be less then two years at a CC and I haven’t found a way to purge bad classes. Every time I research this, people say it’s considered fraud to not fully list courses completed in applications.
It’s depressing and the material doesn’t compare to freshman classes at a 4 year. My credits would be the same, but I would be at an educational disadvantage. I can’t enroll in a 4 year, but I am able to take edX courses. Comparing the two, a CC class is just rehashed high school material with smaller font. An edX course is actually build with the assumption that you would be using the knowledge to do something. The difference is bigger then the difference between remedial HS classes and regular HS classes.
I don’t understand what your problem is with community college
I did 12 years of compulsory school at a remedial level. Every success meant the program worked and every failure meant the program was necessary. The moment I became a legal adult with agency, the free school option ended. I know what “Cs get degrees” feels like and I don’t want to do that anymore.
Not so sure about that.
And absolutely nothing is stopping someone from not transferring credits over. Hell, some people have done it from one university to another because they want a perfect GPA for their next level degree.
I don’t want to transfer credits. I want to re-earn a GPA at a CC and start over a 4 year. My high school decided I was a low preforming student and stuck me in the remedial classes to forget about.
What you’re saying is a trope - it’s arrogant and it’s definitely coming from a standpoint of “Pushah, you aren’t at a university, you’re not even on my level”. As a full university graduate who now is well into his career, doing pretty dang well, I firmly can tell you that this entire way of thinking is wrong, and arrogant.
What I’m saying is my experience. I tried Bio110 at my local CC while taking an online high school, an edX course, and a Great Courses lecture series. The CC material was below the even the high school material.
People learn differently. That does not mean they are stupid, or that you are smarter. Some people absorb through reading, others through auditory, I was someone who needed examples and through question/answer. I learned the exact same information, but the difference was I had professors who took the time to make sure I understood the subjects, and gave me the tools to learn differently in university later.
My CC was a joke. I had a small classroom and did not benefit from it. No one was really interested in it. They were just the summer session students looking to fill their requirements. One morning, I was the first person in the classroom and overheard the teacher shit talking the regular session students for being dumb and the summer session for being disinterested. This same person also recommend looking for easy topics to do projects on and didn’t accept growing Biobutanol because the school didn’t have the material. I wasn’t even planning on using the school’s lab for it.
I even tried the next closes CC and was denied the class I wanted to use as a trial because I tested out of it.
If I could do 2 or even 4 years at a community college, only have it be viewed as a high school replacement, and apply as a freshman, I would have done that. Every policy I find don’t allow that. In fact, I’m reaching out to some staff at one university I’m on good terms with to see how much of a hard policy that really is.
As far as cost effectiveness goes, I know way, way too many people who pursued college, any college because they were told that it’s what they need to do and are now paying off loan payments(if they didn’t get it forgiven) in careers unrelated to their degrees. For me, this was never about cost effectiveness.
It’s not like American tax dollars aren’t supporting Israel’s genocide efforts. I’m supporting that regardless of whether or not I want to.
condemning it without actually having to change how they live their own lives.
Tell that to the protesters getting assaulted by police.
Nobody ever goes left after a traumatic brain injury. Same thing with Gary Busey.