Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
You can share my tinfoil if you’d like. I got enough for both of us.
If they change course in the next 5 years, so be it. But right now, Jeep took some dev time to develop this, meaning they plan to use it at some point.
They deserve to lose the trust of the consumer because they gave us a peek behind the curtain and it fucking sucks.
Stop being pro-corpo, they are not your friend and they will piss on your corpse if that means they get a dollar more.
I love how that saying this is a software glitch is somehow supposed to make it okay? Motherfuckers, you took time and money to develop the thing. In doesn’t matter that it wasn’t supposed to be deployed right now. It matters that it was developed at all.
This is my tinfoil opinion, but I wouldn’t be surprised that it was done on purpose to gauge the public reaction and setting the pace of rollout.
The timing is too perfect knowing damn well that Republicans won’t legislate that.
Own that shit. Be weird, awkwardness is normal and we need to make it so.
They will be there when I am done with relaxing, they can wait.
Books are a creative endeavor. Putting the same screw 10000 isn’t a creative endeavor.
Both can be true. CEOs influence the direction the company takes.
Money talks and in that case, lots of people in this thread don’t want to encourage a company that endorse a fascist. Which is legitimate.
Politics are mixed with everything.
In that case, I see this as speak with your wallet moment. That statement has done it for me and I am dropping proton for Tuta or something else.
This is not the definition of paternal at all.
I am not asking for a rational response, I am asking for a respectful response, and my partner expects the same from me.
It’s fine if my partner is angry or sad or anything else, but it’s not okay to make you feel bad for a genuine question and trying to help.
It is possible to be emotional and respectful but what you described in your OP isnt that.
Your initial point is that the partner already expressed their point clearly and that’s the other partner (the man), that didn’t listen.
To which I responded that the onus is on the pissed person to communicate well the issue, not the person listening (assuming that both are acting on good faith).
It’s easy to say " I am mad because of X" regardless of the situation, instead of playing mind games. Or “I am mad about X and I don’t know how to express it”. Simple, respectful and a starting point to resolve the conflict.
This is not coming from a paternal or punitive angle, this is just proper communication. If you can’t express why you are upset to someone and act like the meme, this is not acceptable and respectful.
I don’t escalate, but I tell my partner that her behavior is not acceptable, and she does the same to me.
Being pissed isn’t a free pass to be a dick to your partner. If they are pissed and they come to you, then they don’t get to be pissy with you.
If they can’t do that, they can go take a five and come back after. It’s the same thing we teach children.
In the case I fucked up, I apologize and make amends. Again, it isn’t a free pass for my partner to berate me.
And my partner expects the same from me.
If my partner is having an issue they can’t properly express, how I am supposed to somehow magically know what they need? That’s some Disney shit.
If my partner is upset, I will 100% try to find a solution with them. But if they get mad at me for not understanding what they feel because they don’t understand it themselves, you bet that I won’t let that roll.
And it’s also okay to say “I’m upset and I don’t know why exactly”. It’s a starting point to resolve the issue.
Codependency. Lots of people can’t stand to be by themselves so they’d rather be in a terrible relationship than being alone.
You look them in the eye and kiss them tenderly. It might be their kink.
I mean, it opens the door to new kinks
It’s normal to see some halo around a light at night. What isn’t normal, is to see a distortion of the light as depicted in OP’s image.
If you see that the light is distorted more on one axis, that means you have some kind of astigmatism.
I have a little bit of astigmatism and it is nowhere near what OP’s picture depicts.
This is for a 32bits encoded epoch time, which will run out in 2038.
Epoch time on 64 bits will see the sun swallow Earth before it runs out.
I split my docker containers so that I can selectively backup what I want easily on proxmox
For example, I am currently running an Abiotic Factor server that I don’t care to backup. So I just dont add the container to the backups and I am done.