256gb of ram seems well beyond standard self-hosting, what are you planning on running?!
256gb of ram seems well beyond standard self-hosting, what are you planning on running?!
I did create a fork and MR, and neither used your runner (sorry if that is what spooked you).
Develop local and push remote also let’s you sanitize what is public and what isnt. Keep your half-backed personal projects local, push the good stuff to github for job opportunities.
I think it was when you create a merge request back, that the original repo would then run the forked branch on the original runners.
From what I can tell, its now been much more locked down, so its better, but still worth being careful about.
More discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/github/comments/1eslk2d/forks_and_selfhosted_action_runners/
The other potential risk is that the github action author maliciously modifies their code in a later version, but that is solved with version pinning the actions.
I can’t find it right now, but there used to be a warning about not self-hosting runners for public repos. Anyone could fork your repo, and the fork would inherit your runners, and then they could change the pipeline to RCE on your runner.
Has that been fixed?
I went to a completely private gitlab instead, with mirroring up to github for anything that needed to be public.
Edit: seems to maybe not be an issue anymore, at the very least it doesn’t seem to affect that repo. Still, for anyone else, make sure forks and MRs can’t cause action to run automatically on your runner, because that would be very bad.
This is my personal opinion, but you should add :
Unless there is a really good reason, don’t rename your project. It only adds confusion, and users will get lost during the transition. It also makes them hesitant to try the new one - “What if they do it again and i get left behind”.
Pihole isnt pi specific either, it still kept the name.
Even a “wrong” opinion can start a discussion and make people reflect, so worth posting either way. And I dont think its a wrong opinion, its just a very nuanced and complicated thing.
So thanks for posting :)
When all other options are exhausted, the military is your last hope for having your rights protected. Excluding trans people isnt just about them, its about purging anyone who might stand up for you and your rights. So it may end with more jackboots, not less.
Not all android TVs are bad, but I think a lot of the cheap ones are pretty bad. Mine is horribly laggy, and will occasionally refuse to turn on unless I powercycle it.
Which Chromecast do your parents have? The ones pre-Google TV are pretty brainless to use, but I hate the new google TV ones as well.
I suspect the vast majority of people are buying dumb TVs because android TV sucks, not for privacy reasons. I’m willing to bet most go home and plug their Chromecast or FireTV stick right in.
So as long as android TV sucks, its good news for us.
You can setup DHCP to give the DNS address to every device automatically. Even heavily locked down routers sometimes have the option, but I guess OP will have to try that out.
Pihole also has a built in DHCP, which you can enable and use as long as you disable the router one.
Yeah, I imagine it would be pretty unpleasant for anyone with dyslexia as well.
That really doesn’t sound that easy…
Pihole has its issues, but at least you dont need to setup each and every device individually.
For balance, the main issue I have with pihole is that family members can’t easily bypass it when they need to, which is inconvenient.
Maybe, but also definitely will disadvantage screen reader users.
I got my family onto signal. The app is basic, but that is kinda a benefit when getting half-blind 90yo’s onto it.
I switched from hangouts when they killed group calls by trying to be zoom.
No regrets, but group calls sometimes dont ring, which is annoying. Mostly good though.
Container overhead is near zero. They are not virtualized or anything like that, they are just processes on your host system that are isolated. Its functionally not much more different to chroot.
Its networking is a bit hard to tweak, but I also dont find I need to most of the time. And when I do, its usually just setting the network to host and calling it done.
Are you using docker compose scripts? Backup should be easy, you have your compose scripts to configure the containers, then the scripts can easily be commited somewhere or backed up.
Data should be volume mounted into the container, and then the host disk can be backed up.
The only app that I’ve had to fight docker on is Seafile, and even that works quite well now.
Does wireshark on the Firefox box show outgoing packets to
Dumb question, but is that pink line in a screenshot? Or did you add it in afterwards or take a well cropped photo?
What is openwebzine? Can’t find any info on it.