from the the-real-agenda dept

  • Snot
    3 months ago

    Look I’ve been angry as fuck and leftist since I was a teenager. I’ve had 40 fucking years of proof on my plate that Americans are cowed, uneducated, and don’t give a fuck.

    No, police don’t need an extra pretext, but I’m saying that these people didn’t just do it, they were influenced by an outside party who wanted it to get chaotic. If they’re letting their emotional state get the better of them, that’s not organized and disciplined.

    We should be organized and disciplined, not burning random shit down.

    We both agree on that point. I’m arguing that most Americans are too toothelessly undereducated for that to work, because “organization” and “discipline” both require education which most Americans lack, and due to that they’re more likely to be influenced and directed by someone who wants it to get chaotic and bad. (Gee, I wonder if that’s how Trump became President twice?)

    If the populace is too stupid to save itself, we’re done for. Because communism from the top-down doesn’t work, it will only ever work when organized from the bottom-up, and that requires so much more education of the general populace. There are no Lenins who will save us, we have to work together to save ourselves.

    I’ve put in my time and effort politically with these undereducated cretins. I am tired, exhausted, really. I have more than enough evidence to trust that Americans will never stand up to tyranny and everyone who thinks they will is huffing massive amounts of copium.

    • queermunist she/
      3 months ago

      It wasn’t that long before you were born that the Black Panthers marched in the streets with guns to confront murderous cops.

      Things look bad because people here have had it too good for too long. We won the Cold War, it was the end of history!

      But the good times are coming to an end and America’s chickens are coming home to roost.

      I wonder how many police stations will burn this time.