A philosophical project for an open source non-government ID: https://memdeklaro.github.io/

Article: https://medium.com/@memdeklaro/self-declaration-of-identity-memdeklaro-de-identeco-5fd96231da44

There’s no central database, just a self-declaration of your (self-chosen) name, birth date, photo and signature that you print yourself.

Looks similar to the Digitalcourage ID (https://shop.digitalcourage.de/gadgets/lichtbildausweis-mit-selbst-waehlbaren-daten.html) and World Citizen Passport (https://worldcitizengov.org/what-is-the-world-passport/).

  • shortwavesurfer@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    I think you could use long-term identities online as a form of ID based on trust scores. If I go up to ten people and say I am shortwave surfer, then those people can all say yes, I have met shortwave surfer, and he is the same person to all ten of us, etc.