I swear to god, please please please do not blast your fucking music, even if it is rad like ratm, on the walking trail. No one likes it and it makes you look like an asshole and I have to glare at you instead of giving you a friendly wave.
I see a few cyclists doing that these days on the bike trails. Some of these absurd $10K+ bicycles even have speakers built into them. I guess it’s slightly less obnoxious since a bicycle will pass a walker or runner very quickly, but it’s still dickhead behavior. Even worse than music, though, is people who blast fucking preachers.
Blasting preachers is a special sort of asshole behavior I never encountered or considered before. I bet they think they are saving souls.
You phone shouldn’t make any sound whatsoever when you’re in public period.
It can ring and give notifications, as long as they aren’t set to something obnoxious.
It becomes obnoxious no matter what it is when they’re having a text conversation with someone and it’s going off constantly
I’m pretty old but do you know the Woody Woodpecker laugh? I used to work with a girl back before smartphones that had that as her text notification. It was the whole thing which takes like five seconds so sometimes it was just that fucking sound almost non-stop. Here it is, cursed fucking creation.
Worst thing about someone watching a reel out loud is you hear the same 15 second sound bite 30 times while they’re reading the comments.
That’s my wife, then after like 2 minutes she tells me to watch it.
or 5-second disconnected bits while they scroll
Its not their fault. The phones took away their headphone jacks.
Nobody took away their headphone jacks. It’s them who bought devices without one.
Ehh a bit disingenuous. Apple, samsung, and google took away the headphone jack. You either have to get an old phone (like late 2010s) or buy it from niche companies (sony phones, gaming phones, or some chinese phones)