It’s true. We are wired to care about like 150 people max.
I wish all these positivity power people who are blessed to be mentally healthy could spend one day inside my ADHD, severely mentally ill brain. They would understand so quickly.
Did you just watch it or did you engage your brain? At surface level it’s not even that bad, but as a movie about trying to deal with mental illness it excels.
Yep. If I couldn’t get it done during another class it wasn’t getting done.
Yeah. I used to do it for free. My wife does it for free. It’s shameful.
Hell there’s a video of them killing small sharks. Terrifying little bugs.
Tu Madre es una chingadera.
You going to take all that time to link shit and not upvote what you’re replying to? Kids I swear.
Fuck it, force some shrooms down her throat and hold cocaine up every time she breathes in. Time of her life she won’t remember.
Search it up young friend. This was us old fuckers’ version of culture.
It was 3/5 compromise, but you’re both right. Pug is more correct though.
Because you’re an English speaking human? Fine.
Nah huge fan, just didn’t know about the video. 👉🫵
I would never eat a fucking cockroach. Disgusting things.
Yeah the ones I had were in Mexico. So crunchy and good with salt, lime, and chili.
Small crickets maybe? I haven’t had them in years but they’re delicious with the right seasoning.
I just found out this video existed yesterday. It’s for the first track on one of the best albums ever made. Just trying to share it around, this felt kinda appropriate.
We. We won the war. We are the drugs.