Why is Badger bad?
It’s not bad, just mostly redundant these days, as the heuristic features are no longer enabled, and the defaults ublock lists will cover a lot of the same.
Also the heuristics can be exploited to create a unique identifier for your browser, so it’s not a flawless solution.
I read, “With Butter”
Gotta finish my coffee
Consent-o-matic instead of cookies and adnausem instead of ublock origin.
Consent-o-matic will actively opt out of popups.
Adnausem is built on top of ublock origin and will silently “click” on the ads behind the scenes to mess up your advertising profile and cost the advertisers money.
uBlock Origin can just hide cookie pop ups if you enable said filter, and AdNauseam still loads the ad so you still have slower page loading speed and increased network traffic.
Adnausem is built on top of ublock origin and will silently “click” on the ads behind the scenes to mess up your advertising profile and cost the advertisers money.
Tried it a couple of months ago. Didn’t nearly work as well as uBlock Origin, seemed buggy as hell.
the return dislike plugin is just stupid. it’s a community database now, so rather than being based on the actual number of dislikes on youtube it’s based on the dislikes of the people who have the plugin.
it used to be that it actually got the real numbers but youtube removed that endpoint so now it’s just a misanthropic echo chamber.
What an awful mischaracterisation. While the dislike feature may appeal to misanthropes, it also appeals to the much larger pool of people that are intelligent enough/respectful of their own time to understand the value of the feature in helping to avoid poor quality and misleading content.
It really bears out in the results. For those who recall what old ratios looked like, for sufficiently popular videos, they still hold true with this plugin.
i just think dearrow seems like the better choice for that purpose.
How so? Like/dislike ratios are a very quick and effective means of identifying problematic content. Clickbait titles and thumbnails are another issue - they aren’t a reasonable indicator of the quality of the content. It’s an emerging trend in an oversaturated environment in which even creators of high quality content feel the need to partake.
but like… the like/dislike buttons are there for the algorithm. they’re there to tweak your recommendations. always were. the problem with having the ratio visible is that people will brigade, and that “mainstreams” your recommendations, making them less useful. that’s why youtube removed the visible ratios. putting them back, and just for people with the plugin, means your recommendations will start to align only with the people who have the plugin. it literally becomes an echo chamber.
Like I said, many of us use like/dislike ratios to gain insight into quality of content; whether or not that was the intended use of the feature is really irrelevant.
You’re massively overstating the incidence of brigading. A tiny fraction of videos have experienced this. The idea that brigading is significantly affecting user recommendations and even causing them to align is hyperbolic nonsense.
well that’s good then. personally my experience with the dislike bar is mostly from siIvagunner, where videos with well-used tracks got shitloads of dislikes, more than the views of videos without them. this despite the quality of work put into them. i’m glad to be rid of that.
I have no experience with that channel. What makes you think it is being brigaded? Seems like a very unusual target. Given that it’s well-used tracks that appear to be affected, it seems to me that it may just be attracting a greater breadth of viewers - who are generally less familiar with the content and may have different expectations (and would be just as likely to downvote whether visible or not.)
You could add that extension that replaces clickbait titles by community-made descriptive ones. (lemmy do your thing and find the name please)
It’s DeArrow
Thanks! I don’t use it but I want it so much on freetube and newpipe 🥲
DeArrow is on freetube though?
It is ??!
There’s a switch in settings to enable sponsorblock, and if I remember correctly that includes DeArrow. Was really happy to discover that back when I did, both of these turn YouTube into such a different, better place.
What do you need dislikes on YT for? You can’t tell a shitty video by it’s shitty title and shitty thumbnail?