I’m working on a decentralised sharing algorithm and it starts to feel quite mature. Gotta do some announcements I guess :-)
I’m working on a decentralised sharing algorithm and it starts to feel quite mature. Gotta do some announcements I guess :-)
Is it though?
I mean it is probably impossible to replace youtube, but it’s based on the idea that more subscribers = good, more views is a good thing without any kind of restrictions.
In my fantasy world, someone making a video about say oil painting (because I like that) and puts up a magnificent one hour video on their own PC.
In my fantasy world, it won’t hit 100.000 views that week, but maybe 10.000 per year.
Totally serveable with a fix line.
Also, pooling bandwidth, like this incredible news channel (still in my fantasy world) that needs millions of downloads per day could be served by thousands of nice people sharing their bandwidth.
Well that’s how I see it, what do you think?
This is why youtubes also went down the drain, must, earn, more, followers…
Except maybe news, most things are needed to be done only once (in the best of worlds), not regurgitating the same tutorial in different manners to gain cash.
Is graphene available on Xiaomi phones?
Does lichess work on graphene os? How is compatibility with classic stuff line firefox, signal, …?
Oh I’m fine, static IP and so on, but, for example, my friend has this crappy shared ports system so I’m interested in something alleviating that. What you described seemed like the solution to non-static IP addresses so I just commented that.
Sweden is bizarre sometimes.
That would solve not having a static IP, not solving having no port forward right?
Any recommendations about how to install all this jazz?
I’d like to build a music box controllable by the family, eventually centralising videos so anyone (or at least me) can just pick up their phone and watch an episode of star trek without the hassle of copying. Automatic subtitles would be magic.
I had my hard earned ZX81 thankyouverymuch.
Well, now that I think about it you’re right, before that there was absolutely utterly nothing at all.
I introduced my kids to video games (the “good ones” 😁) and they have always had a PC+old consoles, so now they know at least the basics, and mods gta5 and minecraft, etc and are generally at ease with things.
Still prefers mobile apps to photoshop though 😔 you can only bring the horse to the water, you can’t make him drink.
Such a shame americans seems to think the only thing they need is to be american now. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still the most innovative (with europe?) but that’s what it feels like from the outside anyway.
Feel free to tell me I’m wrong though, it’s just a feeling 😅!
On windows the best search is https://www.voidtools.com/ by voidtools.
And by far, it hooks up right into the mtbr in the drives and knows instantly where all files are at all times. Copy 100.000 files? They are already “indexed”! Clean GUI too.
One of the few tools windows has that’s better than the linux ones. Or if you have an equivalent please let me know!
Wouldn’t we cook in the end if you don’t let out residual em?
Well, anecdotal evidence of course but with the exception where a PSU blew up (and damaged a whole lot of things) I only ever have had RAM stick problems since like -95. Three times. Over some 30-40 PCs.
And 4 sticks are 4 times more prone to break down.
Edit: ok twice. But it still is 100% more.
So could measles cure my allergies? All other bad things set aside.
I’d say the difference is minimal though.