In Europe, this is hardly a problem. I’ve recently been on the road more in the US, and it sucks. But I think it’s more so due to cars being ridiculously big and their lamps being way off the ground.
it is a problem in europe too. all new german SUVs, and many others, have front beams around the height of others drivers eyes so they blare right into internal rearview mirror, car is lit like ufo is here to take us, and when meeting those cars coming from opposite direction, it’s again at the height of eyes to burn the retinas. the regulation of headlights is obviously fucked.
When an SUV with floodlight headlights is tailgating me, I ask the passenger to use the rearview mirror to reflect their light back into the eyes of the driver. When that fails, we flash them a few times with one of those stupid 5k lumen mega-flashlights. They always seem to back off.
And then the snow falls and all the light not being directly shot onto your retna from the light is now being bounced off every surface in your feild of vision.
From what I hear, people who modify their vehicle by lifting it higher with bigger wheels are suppose to recalibrate their headlights (point the headlights toward the ground).
In Europe, this is hardly a problem. I’ve recently been on the road more in the US, and it sucks. But I think it’s more so due to cars being ridiculously big and their lamps being way off the ground.
it is a problem in europe too. all new german SUVs, and many others, have front beams around the height of others drivers eyes so they blare right into internal rearview mirror, car is lit like ufo is here to take us, and when meeting those cars coming from opposite direction, it’s again at the height of eyes to burn the retinas. the regulation of headlights is obviously fucked.
When an SUV with floodlight headlights is tailgating me, I ask the passenger to use the rearview mirror to reflect their light back into the eyes of the driver. When that fails, we flash them a few times with one of those stupid 5k lumen mega-flashlights. They always seem to back off.
And then the snow falls and all the light not being directly shot onto your retna from the light is now being bounced off every surface in your feild of vision.
From what I hear, people who modify their vehicle by lifting it higher with bigger wheels are suppose to recalibrate their headlights (point the headlights toward the ground).