Say whatever you want, Snowden’s a fucking hero for sharing this.
Don’t forget the people that tried to blow the whistle on the NSA prior to Snowden
Everytime someone says they don’t have anything to hide I ask them what the pin of their phone is and to give me their phone. Suddenly that’s something different…
I once asked a friend if he trusted the lock on his phone (brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max, latest and greatest). He told me he did. I asked him if I could use his phone while it was locked, and he told me “No, I don’t trust you. You would probably hack it or something.” That statement says two things:
He only cares about attacks on privacy on a personal level, which is the mental flaw lots of people have.
He doesn’t actually trust the lock on his phone, but refuses to admit it.
By the way, here’s a few fun gimmicks you can pull on iPhone users:
See if you can swipe left to view widgets on the lock screen. I was able to get someone’s address this way. He told me the whole time “There’s nothing you can find there.” and then afterwards said “Ah, crap.”
If there is a lock screen mini widget (under the time) for a clock or related feature, tap on it and it will open the clock app. You can also get there if you can swipe down to access control center if the “timer” button is enabled there. You can then make it look like you unlocked their phone, and start reading off their alarm names. This one has freaked out a lot of people.
If they realize how you got there and try disabling control center access on the lock screen (as they should, FaceID is fast enough people!), you can see if you can access Siri and say “View my alarms”.
the whole plan is to get him over here and then kill him or let him die of neglect.
May as well get in early.
Julian Assange didn’t kill himself.
A ‘State’ is not inherently bad. That’s just libertarian propaganda/dogma. Self-interested psychopaths in charge of a state is bad…
Funny thing about ancap libertarianism is that they’ve correctly identified that power can lead to tyranny, but they’re completely oblivious to the power that corporatism (the conclusion of lassez-faire capitalism) results in.
States always wind up being run by self-interested psychopaths.
That’s not a “flaw;” it’s the fundamental nature of the concept.
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We need a strong authoritarian leader and a massive police force to keep the people in line.
I think you forgot a /s
Man I really do enjoy reading the classifieds
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