I’m keeping this intentionally vague so if you have not seen the show, you dont get what I mean and I dont spoil it.
I’m keeping this intentionally vague so if you have not seen the show, you dont get what I mean and I dont spoil it.
For the majority of the show, the directing and pacing leads the audience to, even if subconsciously, agree with Walt and his side of his experience, that he’s just a family man doing what he can for those he loves, or, in rare scenes, to see it from someone more reasonable like skylar’s point of view, that this is an insane psycho threatening the lives of his family and his friends to live some stupid fantasy, but in this scene, when he says this line, he seems like neither, he just seems like a guy who is kind of dense trying to sound cool. I can’t remember a time that it seemed like that.
I dont disagree with tiktok in a political sense, I mean the addictive algorithm.
And yet if a company is poisoning peoples minds they should be stopped from using it.
Companies should not be free. Only people should be free. Companies exist to do what we want them too.
I think tiktok should be banned for its addictive algorithm. It is far worse than any other social media for that reason.
If you can be well adjusted, fuck the moral high ground, thats good fucking news.
linux users are like catholics, they never stfu.
thats my point though, this scene is not consistent with any side of walt we have seen.