Do you live in a war zone? Or just USA things?
Nah, it’s just acorn season
to be fair, Pokemon was first
Pokemon knew all those things will happen.
When the hell did Philly have a tornado warning?
Climate changeI read why, not when.
Apparently May 6, 2024 @ 4:24 am.
This was from 2 years ago by the looks of it (found a Reddit post of this from 2y ago, can’t see the date on mobile though). It just was coincidental there was another one literally today too in the early morning hours.
Also a tornado warning will never last that long (over 15 hours), it’s generally 15 to 30 min and very location specific. It may be longer if there’s a long chain of storms all showing signs of active circulation on the way through, but anything over an hour is pretty rare, even in tornado alley.