He’s always been a contrarian. It was harmless and even enjoyable in the 90s and early 2000s when, to him, that meant eating vegetarian and believing in some Hippie woowoo bullshit while being firmly against organized religion and generally distrustful of corporations.
I miss hippie Scott Adams. Weird right-wing Scott Adams is not enjoyable.
I think you nailed it. People get so hung up on what he became, they forget what he was. Dude really is just a contrarian. Almost like a white collar version of George Carlin(albeit very toned down).
He’s always been a contrarian. It was harmless and even enjoyable in the 90s and early 2000s when, to him, that meant eating vegetarian and believing in some Hippie woowoo bullshit while being firmly against organized religion and generally distrustful of corporations.
I miss hippie Scott Adams. Weird right-wing Scott Adams is not enjoyable.
I think you nailed it. People get so hung up on what he became, they forget what he was. Dude really is just a contrarian. Almost like a white collar version of George Carlin(albeit very toned down).
You characterize George Carlin as a simple contrarian?