I’m using Proton right now. Someone suggest I should get a Gmail instead for higher chance of success. Is that true? How risky is it for Google sanning those mails in terms of privacy?
It will not hurt your chances.
No, I actually purchased a domain and mapped it to my proton mail, every time I share my business email, I get compliments towards how professional I am.
Shouldn’t make a damn difference! Ask this person to explain their thought process
If someone legitimately cares what email provider you use and uses that against you in the hiring process, chances are it’s not a place you’d want to work anyway.
This is my exact feeling.
What if the email is
?They likely have too much experience.
Nope 0 fucks given. Or would have to be @ashleymadison or @pornhub or something. and even then it may just net you an interview.
Or a
oneHey, I still got one.
No, they don’t care unless you been denied once, auto reject, they will reject if you apply again with the same email address. I used different emails for different job resumes, I rotate to new ones, if use one more than a week
A lot of companies use Google mail anyways so your emails will be scanned regardless.
Are you trying to be hired by Google? Then, maybe ;)
More seriously, I don’t know if this matters. Do people really care about the address?
I’ve been using my own domain names for decades, what I’m using behind that name doesn’t show. But I’m also old enough I don’t need to worry about (un)pleasing any potential employer.
I’ve hired people and my wife has been in a position to evaluate applicants for a job.
What we have learned is that choosing an applicant is super subjective. Different things impress my wife and I in an applicant. (We work at different places)
Additionally, once I instructed applicants to do something specific in their application, but someone didn’t follow the instructions. Turns out the thing I said not to do when applying was actually much more helpful than I thought.
So even though a few people applied the “right” way, the girl who did it “wrong” got the job.
So when you apply, it’s mostly a matter of checking the right boxes and getting lucky.
I use first@firstlast.tld I bought my firstlast.tld several years ago. Figure it would look good. I then put a modified resume on my domain but when I started to think about being a security professional that didn’t seem like a good idea. I now have my domain bring up the IP, browser, and few other pieces of info and show it to whoever goes to the site. It is either that or blank page and I think the first is more fun.
I use my own first@last.com (well actually it’s last-net.com because I couldn’t secure any better domain. It’s too common.)
Never had an issue.
I don’t think it should matter and if it did matter, do you really want to work for such small-minded judgmental people? The people who would care about an uncommon email domain would probably also see it as a “red flag” if you say that you don’t use certain social media sites. Don’t waste your time playing pointless image games.
if your domain is like cock.li or smth then maybe, but protonmail.com sounds pretty professional
seems like companies who know what proton is, would have no problem with it. some of their people would use it themselves.
companies who never heard of it wouldn’t have any bad impression about it.
if they never heard about it but are wary/scared of everything they never heard of, might not be safe to work there. that’s the kind of place that would test their workers’ loyalty randomly, and not reciprocate any loyalty they receive.
and not reciprocate any loyalty they receive.
You get far bigger payment increase if you are not loyal.
by moving to a different employer, i guess.
did you mean by betraying coworkers? maybe some people like that idea. I’m strongly against it.
either way, i would avoid such a company.
Employers most of all want to know that you’re reachable and willing to jump hoops. If you want to be seen and hired by the status quo, then yes you will need to show that you pray to the same Holy Trinity as them:
LinkedIn GitHub \ / \ / Gmail
You can then feed this professional gmail account
into your private Proton.It shouldn’t matter. When you get hired, they’ll give you a new email address to use.