my unpopular opinion is that they are a waste of time and effort.
You could say the same to your favourite sporting events like MMA, Superbowl, Euro Finals, Copa America, and even e-sports, etc.
I can see where you’re coming from but the Olympics is a healthy way for countries to compete with each other, instead of going on battlefields. Like the other poster mentioned, the Olympics promote international cooperation. For example, even though China is getting a bad rap in international politics, their athletes have notably been professional and wholesome which boost their country’s image.
I also think that the high prestigious image of the Olympics will inspire more people to pursue sports; regardless of whether or not they will want to compete in the event. It’s still good to be healthy!
wasting time on something you enjoy is not actually wasted time. Besides, so many people get positivity from watching etc
I’m pretty sure people uninterested in the things that interest you would say the same thing.
I would have no problem with a few internationally funded standardized Olympic facilities with rotating hosts that offer their nations cuisine and hospitality to the games.
Sort of a reverse tourism thing.
The sports and competition are not. Will my kids ever be Olympic athletes? Probably not. But there’s been a hell of a lot of pretending going on at my house the past month, and I like that.
Is moving the Olympics ever 4 years and building bigger, more elaborate facilities purely as a dick measuring contest a waste of time and effort? Absolutely, 100%.
They should just pick a location and stick to it. Same with the World Cup.
Basically all professional sports.
I believe sports should be done for fun and exercise. Not as a professional career.
Almost nothing good comes from professionally played sports. It only brings the worst of human beings.
The original olympics promoted well-rounded athletes who would compete in many sports, not just yak-shaving on one particular sport.
I think the spirit of the original olympics was more humanistic, as it was implicit that some athletes would be good in some events but not so good in others, a.k.a they were all winners
my unpopular opinion is that they are a waste of time and effort.
Let’s go further and remove Soccer, American Football, Basketball, Hockey and other sports.
All of that is IMO a waste of time, with no value /s
We really should. Sports aren’t only a waste of time, they’re a waste of money, too. It infuriates me that taxpayer money is used to build stadiums.
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Honestly, not to be mean or anything, BUT, this sorta reeks of “I don’t like it so nobody else should.”
This is a type of mentality that I believe to be highly negative and frankly kinda toxic. Your welcome to your opinion, but I really don’t think the many many hours, days, weeks, months, and years of effort, training and planning that goes into those who both run and participate in the Olympics is a waste of time and effort.
Also we live in a world that you can just block or ignore anything you don’t particularly care for.