Sort of. They’re just on the other side of a waist high divider. They aren’t cooking for show, but you can see what they’re doing.
Why are you reading this? Go do something worthwhile.
Sort of. They’re just on the other side of a waist high divider. They aren’t cooking for show, but you can see what they’re doing.
Same. Cooking 4 pounds of bacon at once is wild.
I don’t understand why people shit on Waffle House.
Where else can you go where someone will cook real eggs right in front of you, and cook them correctly?
Fried over easy, perfect every time.
The sports and competition are not. Will my kids ever be Olympic athletes? Probably not. But there’s been a hell of a lot of pretending going on at my house the past month, and I like that.
Is moving the Olympics ever 4 years and building bigger, more elaborate facilities purely as a dick measuring contest a waste of time and effort? Absolutely, 100%.
They should just pick a location and stick to it. Same with the World Cup.
I don’t know. I think it speaks to something that we sometimes forget. Self hosting is great, but there’s a bit of time and commitment that’s needed for almost everything. Most people are used to single click, always works apps. Doing your own building, diagnostics, troubleshooting, and deployment can be a headache that’s too much for some people.
The dividing line I have found is if the diner does really good biscuits. If the biscuits are good, they’re generally better than Waffle House. But most diner type places near me are awful. They cater toward the 75+ crowd. Weak coffee and bland, nasty food. It’s either mush, or dry as hell.