Due to its mode of operation, the court considered the software to be “specifically intended for criminals”
Crime is an action a state doesn’t like, not necessarily wrong or evil, but serves interests other than the state. If the state has to authorize everything, then the state is favoring dominance over governance.
When the state has to monitor all transactions it is tyranny.
The state is just the abstraction of the collective will of the governed, if the Dutch people have determined this is a crime against their society, then it is.
The state holds a monopoly on violence, another monopoly isn’t a stretch.
Collective will is just the myth that is used to legitimize the state
The state is also so much more than the will of the governed. To say that it is all there is to it would consider governments like those governed by the divine right of kings fo be stateless. Stalin’s Russia, or Kim Jong Un’s DPRK would then be stateless.
the court accused him of an “ideology of maximum privacy.”
In what twisted fucked up crazy world is that a bad thing?
I hate this timeline…
By this logic DARPA should be put on trial for creating TOR
By this logic every locksmith should be put on trial for making locks, every manufacturer of vaults and safes, every lumber company for making wood used in fences, every costume designer for making halloween masks, every post office for renting PO boxes… etc.
Looks like development of such things will have to start happening on the dark web. What a ridiculous conviction.
In its judgement, the court accused him of an “ideology of maximum privacy.”
What the fuck is this kind of reasoning? Is privacy illegal now?