Awesome! This is just what I was looking for! Thanks!
True, they are typically 12 volt aren’t they!
I just took mine out of my car for an unrelated issue haha, totally valid suggestion!
Wonderful suggestion, I have an older raspberry pi and a libre sweet potato and i know i could achieve this with those, but I was hoping there was a project out there that would let anyone with a phone do it! I think this would be an excellent way to get people interested in torrent and libre software, because if someone shows up to a location and all it takes is attaching to a wifi access point and then downloading files, it feels very simple and easy to become engaged with it.
Thank you nonetheless though, I think this is wonderful suggestion!
I think it might be the case for some, but mostly I think that more people on Lemmy are less focused on themselves and personal anecdotes. More often I see people here reaching for cited resources to support what they’re saying instead of “Oh one time my Uncle’s friend’s cousin…”. It still happens here, but not nearly in the same capacity from what I’ve seen.
I was unaware this feature existed, how do you set this?
Aaaaaaaand it’s deleted.
Burned my accounts, moved to Tuta.
I think it may depend on where you are. Back when Whatsapp went belly up, myself, my entire family, and every other person I know IRL switched over to signal within a week, so I think it may be more popular than you expect, though still not as popular as Telegram as you noted.
So you said the government would buy it, so I pointed out that the government already has a facial picture of you. Your counterpoint is that it doesn’t have to be the government, in which case, why did you mention it.
I said “government” would be a likely purchaser, not “the” government because I am not talking about any one government. I mentioned it to reinforce the point that any government is a potential buyer for the data, not just the government that has your ID on file, which is counter point to the point you tried to make that “the government already has a facial picture of you” referring to ID when this is not the case for all governments.
As a hypothetical example, I have never been to, or interacted with the government of South Africa. I doubt they have a picture of me. They could likely buy the data if they wanted to, which would give them a picture of me in the hypothetical scenario. They would not otherwise have access to a photo of me. I don’t know what is hard to follow about that.
And then you said it’s because it would have meta data on your location, which is weird considering you would have bought tickets with your name on them through payment methods tied to your name.
Yea, and my credit card which I buy the ticket with over the internet does not have a picture of my face with a timestamp verifiably showing that I was at the location, what I was wearing, who I may be with, etc.
You also understand that you can buy things with this neat thing called “Cash” right? Cash is really neat because it’s a payment method that doesn’t have your name on it.
This is my direct counter point to your statement “you would have bought tickets with your name on them through payment methods tied to your name”. Unless you want to deny the existence of physical money, you are plainly wrong here for reasons that are ibid.
You also know that tickets don’t typically have your name printed on them right?
You can go buy a ticket and examine it as close as you like. It is uncommon for them to have your name one them unless they are for some event you have been explicitly invited to, or you ordered them in advance for pick up or through some third party service.
Probably because the public is free to buy tickets for shows AT the location the event is held? And probably because you don’t have to show ID to buy such tickets unless you’re purchasing liquor with it or seeing an event rated for adults etc? Do they ask for your ID when you go to the ticket office at the movie theater? Cool, they don’t at ticket offices at stadiums either, so if someone has been asking you for that when you buy tickets, you should probably check if your identity was stolen because that’s not a requirement to get a ticket!
It’s almost like you could buy a ticket without your name printed on it using a method of payment which also doesn’t have your name printed on it. What a wild idea! It’s almost as if this is how this universally worked before people had debit/credit cards.
Oh and if it’s a cashless location, there’s another really cool thing you can do called “buying a gift card with cash” which gives you a cashless payment method without giving your name and face away which you can also use to purchase tickets as well as food and drink.
Didn’t realize a picture of my face was on my football ticket as well.
Doesn’t need to be your government who’s buying. The picture on your license also doesn’t come with meta data about your whereabouts when you decide to go to something as simple as a sporting event.
Biometric data of individuals faces. Biggest buyer for that market would be law enforcement/government I’d expect.
To database and sell your biometric data at the expense of privacy under the guise of convenience. This is contemporary business 101. First either steal data or lie through a grinning face to acquire data, then sell the data.
Wow good job Spain.
I guess this works because email doesn’t exist.
I guess this works because file sharing applications and websites don’t exist.
I guess this works because VPN’s free and paid don’t exist.
I guess this works because Tor, i2p, Freenet, and Yggdrasil don’t exist.
I guess this works because torrenting doesn’t exist.
I guess this works because black markets don’t exist.
I guess this works because chat applications don’t exist.
To be a fly on the wall of these government meetings where they talk about this shit would surely be the funniest fucking thing in the world.
True but it also depends on where you go. In Canada for example, this detail is explicitly taught to anyone who goes through the process of getting a firearms license.
That is interesting, I’m curious what the payload is.
Unless it’s a shotgun firing birdshot. This is why in many places you can hunt birds, it’s really the only type of firearm you’re allowed to use, because when shot at an upward trajectory, the pellets do not maintain enough velocity to be harmful when coming down and harmlessly fall to the ground. Anything rifled though is a different story, because its that spin on a bullet or a slug which allows the projectile to maintain its velocity and be dangerous when coming back down.
By this logic every locksmith should be put on trial for making locks, every manufacturer of vaults and safes, every lumber company for making wood used in fences, every costume designer for making halloween masks, every post office for renting PO boxes… etc.
Yes, to a degree. In my experience a lot of attackers will call phones and wait for you to say something to get a model of your voice.
When I answer a phone number I do not recognize, I don’t say “Hello” anymore. Instead I remain quiet for 10 seconds. If its a poorly made bot trying to scrape my voice, usually it hangs up within that time.
I am also more open to letting everything I don’t recognize ring through to my voice mail which uses the default response without my voice since these types of attacks started.
For peertube etc, I am unsure what the best solution is, but would be interested in what people here suggest!