Why would you need a home server in addition to your day to day desktop computer? I leave my desktop on at all times because it’s a Plex/ErsatzTV server, HomeAssistant server, web server for various utilities I’ve written, etc. It works great.
Why would you need a home server in addition to your day to day desktop computer? I leave my desktop on at all times because it’s a Plex/ErsatzTV server, HomeAssistant server, web server for various utilities I’ve written, etc. It works great.
Postgres is a more robust and better designed and developed product, also it’s not owned by fucking Oracle.
Yeah the CVS self checkout software is horrible. The Target version is great.
You transport yourself to the store, walk around the store, pick the items up off the shelf, take them around the store, take them with you to checkout, take them to your car, bring them into your house, and put them away. But moving the item 36 inches from your basket to your bag is something you’re too enfeebled or important to do yourself?
The passive and undiscerning types (the majority) stayed on reddit and the more ambitious and deliberate types came here. But where would users for this specific format come from if not largely reddit?
Why are frequent restarts healthy? Do you mean at a hardware level or for the OS?