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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Sonic lore is hilariously messy. It gets absolute batshit when you start getting into the Archie comics. There’s more than enough to keep going forever, but at some point you need to address your own brain oozing out your ears and stop.

    There’s some minor stuff I left out, like how Mecha Sonic (Game Gear) is often called Silver Sonic to differentiate it from Mecha Sonic (Mega Drive/Genesis) when talking about the games, but Mecha Sonic (Mega Drive/Genesis) is canonically named Silver Sonic in the Archie Comics. Both of those are different from Silver the Hedgehog, who is from the future that alternate dimension Nega Eggman (mentioned in the other comment) is from.

    And seriously, the Archie comics timeline is insane. This is from the “Metal Sonic Series (Archie Comics)” page on the Sonic Wiki, and it’s notably not the only robot doppelgangers-of-characters “team”.

    Like how do you even start with that? First Robotnik War? Metal Sonic v3.0 is separate from the other versions, but spoiler: he isn’t the same 3.0 from Sonic Rivals 2. Mecha Sonic is a separate entity from Silver Sonic?

    Also, presented without comment: Psuedo-Sonic from the Archie comics.

    People tend to think of the old Star Wars Extended Universe as the classic over-detailed lore, but the Sonic Archie comics are way way up there too. It was the longest running monthly comic book series to never be relauched, with roughly 512 total issues if you count the spinoffs.

    Cybershell is an old Something Awful goon who’s made plenty of Sonic videos, but I think his Archie Sonic retrospective/postmortem is an entertaining overview, if heavy on using the word retarded. Was totally aping some of his attitude for that shitpost of a comment.

  • um ackshually that’s Metal Sonic, first appearing in Sonic CD.

    Mecha Sonic is a boss from Sonic 2 Game Gear, and is totally different.

    Which should never be confused with Mecha Sonic that’s one of the final bosses of Sonic 2 Mega Drive/Genesis.

    Or Mecha Sonic Mk II from Sonic and Knuckles, who is clearly an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic, not an upgraded version of Mecha Sonic.

    Or Super Mecha Sonic, the transformation of Mecha Sonic Mk II, but who has nothing to do with Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, or Metal Sonic.

    And I could never imagine how anyone could be stupid enough to confuse them with Mecha Sonic Mk III, the background decoration from Sonic Adventure, who is clearly an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, not an upgrade of Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, or Metal Sonic. (Why do I taste copper?)

    But you could be forgiven for mistaking Metal Sonic for his later self-upgraded form Neo Metal Sonic, the antagonist from Sonic Heroes.

    Neo Metal Sonic can transform into Metal Madness from Sonic Heroes. Only a fool would think that Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Mecha Sonic Mk II, Super Mecha Sonic, or Mecha Sonic Mk III could do that.

    Metal Madness can transform into Metal Overlord, of course. I don’t know how that could be any more obvious, or how anyone could confuse this for Metal Madness. C’mon they’re completely distinct. (Does anyone smell burnt toast?)

    And only an idiot wouldn’t understand Metal Sonic 3.0 is a completely new robot made as an upgraded version of Metal Sonic, created by an alternate dimension version of Eggman who isn’t from an alternate dimension but is from the future, who is a rival to Metal Sonic who is no longer Neo Metal Sonic. It’s mind boggling that something so simple could confuse anyone with a basic modicum of intelligence.

    And the Metal Sonics from the Archie comics are entirely self explanatory. Why is there this wet red stuff coming out of my ears? I think I’m going to have a lie down.

  • What? What?

    Their track record has no instance of them not respecting settings! A track record of multiple decades! The code is fully auditable, so any of those shenanigans would be caught immediately!

    I feel like I’m taking crazy pills lately.

    We need to be on guard and verify they don’t do this shit, but outright expecting it? When Firefox also has a history of absolutely abysmal PR on shit like this, without the follow up of abysmal practices?

    It feels like accelerationism. Like people want Firefox to fail, rather than just wanting to be prepared if it does.

  • I’ve used Sardu on Windows for making multi-iso bootable USB sticks a long time ago in the past, but I’d admittedly never looked at their ToS or Privacy Policy. My use case was slapping some live boot antivirus scanners, data recovery tools, and one or two lightweight liveboot-Linux ISOs on one USB as a portable toolkit.

    When I’m making anything else from Windows, I’ve always stuck with Rufus. Had never heard of BalenaEtcher before now.

  • Look, I truly mean this as softly as possible, because Teams does not in any way make this shit easy, but you are using it wrong.

    Teams groups should have Sharepoint sites (on Azure) backing them, and are meant to be interacted with through the Office 365 online SharePoint “portal” thing if you need more than you can do through the Teams UI.

    Why in the hell Microsoft has both OneDrive and SharePoint is one of the universe’s stupidest and most confounding mysteries.

    And in my experience, links to the documents through sharepoint do auto redirect/correct/stay working if you move the files around within the same sharepoint site, as long as the person opening the link still has rights to open stuff in the new location. If they didn’t, I have a large project with a lot of interlinked documents that would have gotten absolutely fucked.

    OneDrive also tends to do really fucky shit with that top level folder structure. Like trying to save things in the root of my onedrive that isn’t synced instead of in the synced documents folder I always save to. Anyway, I stay away from using OneDrive as itself as much as possible and just use the automatic folder sync/redirect and interact with my local drive like OneDrive doesn’t exist and my documents folder is magically synced across multiple machines by a capricious spirit. Don’t even get me started on how it handles fucking one note stuff stored in onedrive when you browse through the web ui. Just fucking madness.

    But if you’re concerned, just make the only thing in the general folder a link to where shit really is. Probably the easiest solution.