Who do you want to have access to said calendar?
Who do you want to have access to said calendar?
Unfortunately some verification providers don’t allow VoIP SMS numbers, I’d say it’s always about 50/50 whether it’ll work or not very frustrating. But otherwise yeah, VoIP.ms is great! And indeed Montreal based!
Shit for privacy, but that should fix it
Did you run the token generator thing? Worked for me a couple days ago (but not over a VPN).
You need to setup /etc/crypttab
to unlock the disk: https://linux.die.net/man/5/crypttab
Maybe we can finance it with a brand deal or something, who’s Aerosmith’s record label?
B=====D~~~~ ( :
I’m good. I know very well there are uses cases for a self signed cert. LE is still far more practical for 99% of use cases, even internally.
But then you have to distribute CAs to all the devices that will reach this service, and not all devices allow that.
I’m with you, but that’s why I’m automating certificate expiry checking somewhere else (in my home assistant install to be exact).
KeePassXC has an option for shared database.
There are plenty of certificate authorities that will sign a personal S/MIME cert. For example: https://www.digicert.com/tls-ssl/secure-email-smime-certificates
Has Home Assistant integration as well.
I think you can do push-to-talk/drop-in at least via tts using BroswerMods on home assistant, that would be one option.
Navidrome and Gonic are very active projects yes. Why would it not be a thing anymore? Works fantastic.
Yup, you know the health guru…
His intestines yes
The Wim Hof method…
Yes my answer is for use with Let’s Encrypt.
Then you should really look into setting up a personal VPN. After that what you use to do calendar becomes irrelevant in terms of access.