Using every little bit of an animal you have killed in order to not waste the life is actually awful.
However, prioritising profit over substance, shortening leavening time and adding sugars and preservatives is actually wonderful.
Using every little bit of an animal you have killed in order to not waste the life is actually awful.
However, prioritising profit over substance, shortening leavening time and adding sugars and preservatives is actually wonderful.
What? Do Ionian columns migrate?
There’s no “switching into granny gear” in the french Alps. You’ve got a single speed Bridgestone, you’re eating four pounds of white flour pasta a night, just put it into work.
No more government subsidies for active basses!
Even for people, who are not Leninist/Stalinist or similar, it is noticeable.
From my perspective (being not from the US) us-american arrogance is very present on lemmy.
The important bits:
“I left the United States this morning” => “left America for good to fly to Poland”
‘I have come to learn your opinions and understand your desires for the future’ => ‘I have come here because I desire you’.
You’re right, that’s an Atlantic cod.
Trouts have two back fins and a more hook like lower jaw.
Sorry, that’s a brown trout, I’m pretty sure
What healed me, was being mistaken for my dad on the phone. And my dad’s got a nice voice, so mine can’t be too bad.