I was at a tech conference recently, and the local city tech department was showing off the cameras all around the city. They were all tracking individual vehicles with computer vision, across town as the traffic moved from one camera to another.
I didn’t get a chance to ask them whether law enforcement used the data, but I’m pretty sure that’s a given.
Same for me, running for a few months and all my steam games work great. I had to install some extra software to run my Logitech mouse and get the scroll wheel to be more sensitive. Otherwise though it’s been a great experience so far.
Although I’m an IT professional, I really don’t want extra work when I’m sitting down to game. So POP! has been great overall for my use case, with the bonus of Linux for any coding projects I tackle otherwise.
That’s actually a real strategy by Russia. Since they have so few deep water ports for their Navy, if temperatures rise then they have new options in their far north territories.
Ooh, this is fun. Another piece of data is that we have most of what appears to be the zip code, so we can get pretty close to knowing where they are located: