Mailrise combined with an apprise notifier of your choice (I use gotify).
Mailrise combined with an apprise notifier of your choice (I use gotify).
The other thing is that my libraries are alphabetical in Jellyfin, so “Anime” comes before “Kaiju”, and I truly can’t stand the idea that Godzilla gets sent to the back of the bus.
If you mean the order the libraries are listed in the web interface, you change that from “User settings” -> “Home”.
Plex is closed source and gradually being enshittified. You might not leave today, but you should have an exit plan.
btrbk works that way essentially. Takes read-only snapshots on a schedule, and uses btrfs send/receive to create backups.
There’s also snapraid-btrfs which uses snapshots to help minimise write hole issues with snapraid, by creating parity data from snapshots, rather than the raw filesystem.
Could be useful for web articles and scientific papers too (if it could be configured to ignore reading out all of the boiler plate and citations).
There’s likely a firewall on the system that hosts the docker services, and docker’s default bridge rules bypass it when publishing a port. And since the docker rules are prioritised, it can be quite difficult to override them in a reliable way. I personally wish that the default rules would just open a rule to the host, but there might be some complexity that I’m missing that makes that challenging.
I personally use host networking to avoid the whole mess, but be aware you’ll have to change the internal ports for a bunch of services most likely, and that’s not always well-documented. And using the container name as the host name won’t work when referencing other containers, you’ll have to use e.g. localhost:<port number> even inside the network.
You can do the bind to localhost thing that others have mentioned, as long as the reverse proxy itself is inside the docker network (likely there are workarounds if not).
My desktop PC idles quite high as well. The semi high-end consumer motherboards on the AMD side tend to use a lot of power at idle, so I think that’s a big part of it (at least the x570 series, can’t speak for later). And as others have said, high refresh rate and multiple monitors can make things worse.
I’ll add though that people’s perception of how much power there system is using can be skewed by software based monitoring tools. People may think there system is using only 50W because that’s what software reports but it’s actually drawing a 100W at the wall.
It has never occured to me my whole life to not suspend
Reliability issues with suspend-to-ram are rather common. Shutting down is an option, but session save and restore is a relatively recent thing and not supported by all desktop environments. I.e. it’s the post startup part that takes the longest.
I use NixOS so if an update breaks, I just roll back. And since it’s effectively a rolling release distribution there isn’t any risk of being left behind on an outdated version.
It uses the Calibre database but isn’t a frontend per se. With care, you could share the db between the two, and just call up the desktop version when dedrm is needed. There’s also a docker mod with the LSIO container but I think it only supports format conversion.
I’ll add in Bitwarden Send (including self-hosted vaultwarden), although probably doesn’t make sense if you’re not already using it for password management.
Side note, PDFs are the absolute worst. Even reading them on a full-sized tablet is incredibly annoying. Anybody have any tips/tricks/apps for that?
Try KOReader. It’s mainly for e-ink devices (initially, Kobo devices) but it handles PDFs better than most applications and gives you various options to address them.
It’s still not going to do miracles on smaller screens like phones, but I use a Kobo tablet/ereader and it works very well there.
Eh, there’s something to be said for experimental periods in my view. Sometimes you try out new programs that you wouldn’t think would be useful but end up becoming essential. And then culling mercilessly anything that turns out to be not useful, or overly complex to maintain, reducing your maintenance burden.
I use it with apprise and mailrise (email interface over apprise) typically. Apprise is basically a generic notification sender that can send push notifications to a bunch of different clients, including gotify.
So, things like Proxmox errors get set to a fake mailrise address -> apprise -> gotify. And a lot of Linux apps in general (especially older ones) only support email notifications, so this is quite useful. You can also use apprise directly, even as a commandline interface. So you can make scripts to notify you of problems in cases where there isn’t already proper logging and notification support.
And I’ve setup diun to give me notifications for docker version updates. In this case, diun sends notifications to gotify directly.
Compared to other embedded devices, ease of installation, less chance of driver quirks and much higher performance (especially relevant if you’re running a VPN on the same device).
Compared to other x86 software based routers, a UI that is familiar, and the Linux kernel which generally means it gets new features quicker than its BSD based counterparts.
The only thing I don’t like about caddy is that using DNS challenge requires recompiling the program itself, and the plugins themselves can be a bit quirky. Mind you, you can easily handle this with a separate program like lego
or certbot
so not a huge deal.
I personally backup my phone to my own USB stick every few days or so
Is that automated? It sounds kind of tedious, and it would be easy to lose data if something goes wrong in between those few days.
Some of the motivation behind self hosting is that there is one source of truth that is easy to manage and make backups for (a server or servers). Android backups in particular are kind of notoriously fragile (especially if you’re avoiding Google services) so it’s simpler to have the data stored on a server. Then I can wipe or lose my phone with impunity without really worrying about losing data, because it’s handled elsewhere.
Nevertheless, you might like the idea of local-first software which is kind of a hybrid between local only software, and self-hosting (or cloud hosting).
think most people do unless you run a DNS server.
Or you access Navidrome from inside a VPN.
The container was rebuilt a couple of years ago and I don’t think it has any significant limitations now. There are examples using mariadb (which I’m using) and I don’t see why PostgreSQL wouldn’t be configurable in the same way.
AMDGPU virtio native context is somewhat of an equivalent to the other options, although the pieces are not all available yet. Linux guest only as well.
And there’s Venus but that’s for Vulkan only (but a lot can be done with that alone on Linux guests).