Related note: There are some good vegan eggs out there to give a try!
If you want something that cooks and bakes like eggs there’s stuff you can by like Just Egg
For baking there’s a million things you can use that are pretty cheap. For instance, Aquafaba is the leftover water from cooking chickpeas or the water in the can if you buy it canned. Acts like egg whites and can be used as a binder for baking
If you’re looking for a scramble, things like tofu scrambles can be pretty good! Usually that’s with firm tofu rather than soft tofu, but you absolutely can use soft tofu as well. It can also be seasoned a million different ways. Here’s one example recipe (with firm tofu)
Soft tofu will have a different texture than firm so you can try recipes for both and see what you think. (EDIT: Note that you generally don’t want to substitute one for the other because of that texture difference so look for recipes that specifically call for using firm tofu or specifically call for soft/silken)
Soft/silken tofu can also be used as a binder too and replace dairy / eggs in various recipes. Like I’ve made a chocolate mousse with it before and it didn’t affect the taste. Had some friends and family try it and they both didn’t know there was tofu in it and also were surprised to learn it was vegan
There’s a also some vegan cooking & baking communities here on lemmy if you want other inspirations. Here’s one that’s pretty active ! and here’s another that’s a little less active but has recipes for it all !