Yeah I do this too and my pockets are smelly but it’s great to empty my pockets at the end of the day and find pretty rocks and oddly configured screws
Yeah I do this too and my pockets are smelly but it’s great to empty my pockets at the end of the day and find pretty rocks and oddly configured screws
Doesn’t pedantry just mean teaching? I think y’all knocked it out together, because you set him up
Edit My bad wikip says "Pedantry
an excessive concern with formalism, minor details, and rules that are not important.
Climate change and nukes baby
Flag emoji
Is it a cool game? Can you host your own?
anybody have a guide for an old laptop
we agree more voting is better.
this scheme has no incentive to actually vote. It would likely help many people in voting, but a lot would just go fishing or stay home to play games. I’m not saying make it a crime to not vote.
tax incentives to vote sounds like a giveaway to tax-prep companies and tax-software companies, none of whom should exist at all.
and all of this when the whole voting structure is fucked – first-past-the-post is when one candidate gets more than another, even if they get a small minority of votes.
I used to agree that election day should be a bank holiday, but many many still have to work on bank holidays. Now I’m in a populous red state and in-person early voting has been available for years.
I voted early in 22 and in 20. Not sure how old the law is. I think I can vote early all the way up to Saturday, maybe Sunday. too lazy to check.
I think this is a better solution, mail voting notwithstanding. Voting doesn’t have to go on for a whole month, but a week or two early makes sense.
Anyways I’ll be voting sometime between now and Tuesday.
I think you are saying the cartoons are not accurate representations to begin with? I am from the US but not too familiar with the cartoons. I barely watched the original Mermaid when it came out on VHS because I was watching my younger cousins. the other ones I thought were Marvel characters. which also I don’t know.
Vise grip hasn’t been oiled since my dad told me to do it thirty years ago. Ah! All those metrics are starving!
There’s obviously a zillion open source games you could add, but I’m partial to pixel dungeon and its many variants
Anybody who liked toy trucks would love that weird thing in the op.
Cops going around and asking about purple rocks would cause a tiny stir. A kid would be aware of that and entertained. This is pre- internet and It’s Soviet culture. I’m not supporting the Soviets, but people talked to each other, which is generically quite positive.
You are not criticizing the OP, I guess, because you acknowledge their point, that it was meaningless, but it was entertaining to distract the Stasi. But you are criticizing the OP, because you think the Stasi were so competent?
nah! your insights have been most inspiring. i do apologize for the delay as after our most recent discourse i descended to the uppermost heights of my waterlogged dungeon library for a fortnight. i found the most dreadful poem attributed to none other than The Caterwauling Fellows and it is an amazing document of undersea carnivorous plant life. i shall have a monk transcribe it and ship it to you via bird forthwith.
as a citizen scientist, i strongly disagree. you speak of shellfish, academically! while a lonely starving writer from some seacoast shithole makes up a bunch of shit. As Cthculu the god of unspellable god names would like to remind you, hi!
Klingon is a known reprobate from several hundred years in the future. We know his father was descended from Worf, a most fierce and honorable warrior the likes we’ve never heard, because it hasn’t happened yet. But his works completely failed to address the Atlantic Multi-Donged Squid, which attacked the Sydney coast repeatedly in March of 2020.
your fingernails should not be used as razors.
impossible because early humans were using throwy things with their spears to make them faster and get more hit points. the only people who wanted to be badgers were the original australians, who were pretending to be african honey badgers, which they had never heard of, but boxing kangaroos is crazy dangerous so they had to come up with something.
Yah but there is something deeply wrong happening here or perhaps you think it’s great