Also, has no one heard of a freezer?
If you want to get fancy, vacuum pack it. I’ll admit, I cannot stand even the slightest freezer burn. It makes me gag immediately. Vacuum packing basically eliminates that.
Also, has no one heard of a freezer?
If you want to get fancy, vacuum pack it. I’ll admit, I cannot stand even the slightest freezer burn. It makes me gag immediately. Vacuum packing basically eliminates that.
ZFS is fantastic and it can indeed restore files that have been encrypted as long as you have an earlier snapshot.
However, it would not have helped in this scenario. In fact, it might have actually made recovery efforts much more difficult.
It could have helped by automatically sending incremental snapshots to a secondary drive, which you could then have restored the original drive from. However, this would have required the foresight to set that up in the first place. This process also would not have been quick; you would need to copy all of the data back just like any other complete drive restoration.
You can do a pretty decent job with a ziplock and a water bath until you can afford one.
Put the food in the ziplock and submerge it in a tank of water up to the top of the bag while its still open. Then seal the bag while the lower part is held under water. Helpful to have an extra set of hands if you have someone available to seal while you hold the lower part under water.
Obviously not as good, but it does help.