• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 17th, 2024


  • I’ve been asking myself the same question for a while. The container inside a VM is my setup too. It feels like the container in the VM in the OS is a bit of an onion approach which has pros and cons. If u are on low powered hardware, I suspect having too many onion layers just eat up the little resources you have. On the other hand, as Scott@lem.free.as suggests, it easier to run a system, update and generally maintain. It would be good to have other opinion on this. Note that not all those that have a home lab have good powered labs. I’m still using two T110’s (32GB ECC ram) that are now quite dated but are sufficient for my uses. They have Truenas scale installed and one VM running 6 containers. It’s not fast, but its realiable.

  • trilobite@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlCHATCONTROL STOPPED!
    3 months ago

    Parties are the expression of voters. There is a general unease about immigration. To some extent I understand this. When people’s status quo is at risk defensive walls go up. In Italy they worried about the 150000 people that cross the Mediterranean each year, yet the population keeps declining in that country. There is no way to sustain growth with a declining population unless you change the economics of that country. But here to its a mess in Italy. Their debt is huge.

  • I’m not sure what the right model is to get money flowing in. It seems like they took the easy route. 100 dollars for a server licence is not really that small amount considering that most server users are families? I would have preferred massive fund raising campaigns … I’m a bit lazy and need lots of nagging to get my credit card out … But its right these guys get some income for their work. As long as code remains AGPL … I bet soon there will be a fork like happened with Emby. I ended up purchasing the server licence a a few month later moved to the forked version …🙂

  • Well, this is what I thought too. Also, any other country under US influence would have handed him over to the US. See the saga that poor Assange has gone through. What worries me is that public opinion is rather silent to stories like those of Assange and Snowden. Whistle blowing should be seen as a right. If the organization I work for is ethically and morally misbehaving, I have the right to blow the whistle through the right internal channels to start with. If nobody listens, then you take it to the next level.