As cs I was always trying to be nice to people and play along with jokes, even if I was dreading waking up every day.
It’s not their fault that we had unreasonably high targets and no support internally.
As cs I was always trying to be nice to people and play along with jokes, even if I was dreading waking up every day.
It’s not their fault that we had unreasonably high targets and no support internally.
Yall need to lower your expectations god damn
You’re so dopey, compliant, and breedable
That’s all neat but there’s a few problems with advocating this approach as a solution to anything.
The supply chain problem mentioned by the other reply to your comment.
The economic viability for this approach from both the side of supply and demand.
Local, especially “ethically” produced goods are usually much more expensive, and when people are barely making ends meet.
It’s also much harder to expand a business that sources their goods “ethically” and so on.
Companies are largely not accountable, there is largely no economic democracy (vote with your dollar doesn’t count), and increasingly all matters of government are once again captured by large corporations and wealthy individuals.
The solution here cannot be to just consume better, something needs to change drastically.
Food, shelter, hygiene prodcuts, clothes, furniture, fucking everything.
Yes, some of these things aren’t technically necessary but you did include phone and a car, so I am assuming we’re not just talking about base subsistence.
Unless you become a cave hermit or somehow manage to source everything from self employed artisans and cooperatives (and vet their material sources), you will support corporations even if you try to reduce your consumption as much as possible.
Pretty much all industries have been captured by massive corporations at this point, and vetting all companies and their supply lines is literally not possible to do.
Think with your head instead of just saying what feels right for once, please.
When I am in a “having the shittiest take possible” competition and my opponent is IsThisAnAI
Respectability politics and it’s consequences.
The opposition will gladly call you a cat eating demonic rapist pedophile without breaking a sweat, and you’re here worrying about Elon Musks feelings or some shit.
Being “respectable” doesn’t make you better, kinda just makes you a rube.
I am a silly little ignorant guy therefore everyone else is a silly little ignorant guy, I am the very model of a modern human.
“Personally, I just want to chalk it up for people being mad for no reason so I can feel safe in my view that racism is over because Barack Obama or something.”
This seems to be the end of the interaction, so it’s probably not a big deal unless they hit them with the “actually I have another question” out of nowhere.